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other:inspect3d:documentation:dialogs:toolbar [2024/12/20 16:09] wikisysopother:inspect3d:documentation:dialogs:toolbar [2024/12/20 16:11] (current) wikisysop
Line 13: Line 13:
 {{:I3DSaveWorkspaceAs.png?30}} **Save Workspace As**: saves the application workspace {{:I3DSaveWorkspaceAs.png?30}} **Save Workspace As**: saves the application workspace
-{{:I3DSaveWorkspace.png}} **Save Workspace**: save the current application workspace+{{:I3DSaveWorkspace.png?30}} **Save Workspace**: save the current application workspace
-{{:I3DShowOptions.png}} **Show Options**: opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Load_Library_Dialogue|Options Dialog]]+{{:I3DShowOptions.png?30}} **Show Options**: opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Load_Library_Dialogue|Options Dialog]]
-{{:I3DLoadLibrary.png}} **Load Library**: opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Load_Library_Dialogue|Library Dialog]]+{{:I3DLoadLibrary.png?30}} **Load Library**: opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Load_Library_Dialogue|Library Dialog]]
-{{:I3DGroups.png}} **Query Definitions**: opens a dropdown menu with the following options:+{{:I3DGroups.png?30}} **Query Definitions**: opens a dropdown menu with the following options:
-  * {{:I3DGroups.png}} **Query Definitions**: Opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Advanced_Query_Section|Query Definition Dialog]] where users can define which signals to query from the CMO Library and group different signals together based on different conditions +  * {{:I3DGroups.png?30}} **Query Definitions**: Opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Advanced_Query_Section|Query Definition Dialog]] where users can define which signals to query from the CMO Library and group different signals together based on different conditions 
-  * {{:I3DGroups.png}} **Auto-Populate Queries**: Opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Auto_Populate_Groups|Auto-Populate Queries Dialog]] which can be used to automatically group and import signals based on tags or conditions. +  * {{:I3DGroups.png?30}} **Auto-Populate Queries**: Opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Auto_Populate_Groups|Auto-Populate Queries Dialog]] which can be used to automatically group and import signals based on tags or conditions. 
-  * {{:I3DOpenGroupDef.png}} **Load Query Definitions**: loads a [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Files:Q3D_Query_File|.q3d file]] containing query definitions and queries the open library +  * {{:I3DOpenGroupDef.png?30}} **Load Query Definitions**: loads a [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Files:Q3D_Query_File|.q3d file]] containing query definitions and queries the open library 
-  * {{:I3DOpenGroupDef.png}} **Load Query Def & Compute Groups**: loads a [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Files:Q3D_Query_File|.q3d file]] containing query definitions, queries the open library and computes all queries +  * {{:I3DOpenGroupDef.png?30}} **Load Query Def & Compute Groups**: loads a [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Files:Q3D_Query_File|.q3d file]] containing query definitions, queries the open library and computes all queries 
-  * {{:I3DSaveGroupDef.png}} **Save Query Definitions**: saves a .q3d file containing all current query definitions +  * {{:I3DSaveGroupDef.png?30}} **Save Query Definitions**: saves a .q3d file containing all current query definitions 
-  * {{:I3DClearGroupDef.png}} **Clear Query Definitions**: clears current query definitions from the application workspace +  * {{:I3DClearGroupDef.png?30}} **Clear Query Definitions**: clears current query definitions from the application workspace 
-  * {{:I3DReloadLibrary.png}} **Reload Library**: re-queries the CMO Library. This should be done if you have modified the CMO Library in Visual3D, but note that your current inclusions/exclusions will be overwritten.+  * {{:I3DReloadLibrary.png?30}} **Reload Library**: re-queries the CMO Library. This should be done if you have modified the CMO Library in Visual3D, but note that your current inclusions/exclusions will be overwritten.
-{{:I3DLayoutOptions.png}} **Layout Options**: opens a dropdown menu with the following options:+{{:I3DLayoutOptions.png?30}} **Layout Options**: opens a dropdown menu with the following options:
-  * {{:I3DRestoreLayout.png}} **Revert Layout**: returns the layout of the sections of the screen to the position they were in when the program was started for its current session. +  * {{:I3DRestoreLayout.png?30}} **Revert Layout**: returns the layout of the sections of the screen to the position they were in when the program was started for its current session. 
-  * {{:I3DSaveLayout.png}} **Save Layout**: allows you to save the layout of the screen sections so that they can be reused during another session. +  * {{:I3DSaveLayout.png?30}} **Save Layout**: allows you to save the layout of the screen sections so that they can be reused during another session. 
-  * {{:I3DLoadLayout.png}} **Load Layout**: allows you to open a layout of the screen sections that you had saved during a previous session. +  * {{:I3DLoadLayout.png?30}} **Load Layout**: allows you to open a layout of the screen sections that you had saved during a previous session. 
-  * {{:I3DRestoreDefault2.png}} **Redock Subwindows**: returns the screen sections to their original positions (as seen on the main documentation page).+  * {{:I3DRestoreDefault2.png?30}} **Redock Subwindows**: returns the screen sections to their original positions (as seen on the main documentation page).
 ==== Export ==== ==== Export ====
-{{:I3DExportPCAResults.png}} **Export Results**: Opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Export_Results|Export Results]] dialog where users can export data and results to various text file formats.+{{:I3DExportPCAResults.png?30}} **Export Results**: Opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Export_Results|Export Results]] dialog where users can export data and results to various text file formats.
-{{:I3DReloadLibrary.png}} **Recompute Groups**: Reloads the list of queries. Users are given the option to update CMZ files with excluded data before re-querying.+{{:I3DReloadLibrary.png?30}} **Recompute Groups**: Reloads the list of queries. Users are given the option to update CMZ files with excluded data before re-querying.
-{{:I3DUpdateCMOsWithBadEvents.png}} **Update CMZs**: opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Knowledge_Discovery:Pipeline|Update CMZs dialog]] where users can make changes to the original CMZ files by:+{{:I3DUpdateCMOsWithBadEvents.png?30}} **Update CMZs**: opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Knowledge_Discovery:Pipeline|Update CMZs dialog]] where users can make changes to the original CMZ files by:
   * Creating BAD events or tags to indicate traces that were excluded in Inspect3D   * Creating BAD events or tags to indicate traces that were excluded in Inspect3D
   * Update force assignments based on excluded traces   * Update force assignments based on excluded traces
   * Creating events or tags to indicate traces that are included in Inspect3D   * Creating events or tags to indicate traces that are included in Inspect3D
   * Remove BAD events or tags that were created in the CMZ file by Inspect3D   * Remove BAD events or tags that were created in the CMZ file by Inspect3D
 ==== Graph Options ==== ==== Graph Options ====
-{{:I3DShowAnimation.png}} **Show Animation**: opens an animation window that plays the 3D data for all the selected data in the graph.+{{:I3DShowAnimation.png?30}} **Show Animation**: opens an animation window that plays the 3D data for all the selected data in the graph.
-{{:I3DShowVideoButton.png}} **Show Video**: opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Show_Video|video dialog]].+{{:I3DShowVideoButton.png?30}} **Show Video**: opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Show_Video|video dialog]].
-{{:I3DShowGraphs2.png}} **Display list of graphs**: select one graph to display or all graphs:+{{:I3DShowGraphs2.png?30}} **Display list of graphs**: select one graph to display or all graphs:
-  * {{:I3DShowGraphs2.png}} **Display Graph(s)** Displays a single graph (at row n, column n), a row of graphs or a columns of graphs according to the view option specified in the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Load_Library_Dialogue#Plotting_options|Show Options]] dialog's **Plot View Type** item (Single, Row, or Column). +  * {{:I3DShowGraphs2.png?30}} **Display Graph(s)** Displays a single graph (at row n, column n), a row of graphs or a columns of graphs according to the view option specified in the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Load_Library_Dialogue#Plotting_options|Show Options]] dialog's **Plot View Type** item (Single, Row, or Column). 
-  * {{:I3DShowAllGraphs2.png}} **Show All**: returns all of the graphs to the screen+  * {{:I3DShowAllGraphs2.png?30}} **Show All**: returns all of the graphs to the screen
-{{:I3DRescaleGraphs.png}} **Rescale Graphs**: scales the graph so that the graph is fitted to the data that is being graphed.+{{:I3DRescaleGraphs.png?30}} **Rescale Graphs**: scales the graph so that the graph is fitted to the data that is being graphed.
-{{:I3DDeselectData.png}} **Highlight All Data** re-highlights all plotted data.+{{:I3DDeselectData.png?30}} **Highlight All Data** re-highlights all plotted data.
-{{:I3DExcludeOptions.png}} **Modify Excluded data**:+{{:I3DExcludeOptions.png?30}} **Modify Excluded data**:
-  * {{:I3DExcludeOptions.png}} **Exclude Highlighted Trace(s)**: Exclude all highlighted traces from further analysis +  * {{:I3DExcludeOptions.png?30}} **Exclude Highlighted Trace(s)**: Exclude all highlighted traces from further analysis 
-  * {{:I3DExcludeSubjects.png}} **Exclude Highlighted Workspace(s)**: Exclude workspace(s) containing highlighted data from further analysis +  * {{:I3DExcludeSubjects.png?30}} **Exclude Highlighted Workspace(s)**: Exclude workspace(s) containing highlighted data from further analysis 
-  * {{:I3DExcludeInclude.png}} **Re-Include All Data**: Re-Include any excluded data+  * {{:I3DExcludeInclude.png?30}} **Re-Include All Data**: Re-Include any excluded data
 ==== PCA ==== ==== PCA ====
-{{:I3D_PCAOptions2.png}} **PCA Options** opens a dropdown menu with the following items:+{{:I3D_PCAOptions2.png?30}} **PCA Options** opens a dropdown menu with the following items:
-  * {{:I3D_PCAShowGraphs.png}} **Show PCA Graphs**: shows/hides the PCA graphs from the main section of the program window+  * {{:I3D_PCAShowGraphs.png?30}} **Show PCA Graphs**: shows/hides the PCA graphs from the main section of the program window
   * **Number of PCs**: specify the number of primary components that should be calculated   * **Number of PCs**: specify the number of primary components that should be calculated
   * **Use Workspace Mean**: specify whether PCA calculations should use all traces or only the workspace means   * **Use Workspace Mean**: specify whether PCA calculations should use all traces or only the workspace means
-  * {{:I3D_RunPCA.png}} **Run QA Using PCA**: Opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Run_QA_Using_PCA|Run QA Using PCA dialog]] +  * {{:I3D_RunPCA.png?30}} **Run QA Using PCA**: Opens the [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Run_QA_Using_PCA|Run QA Using PCA dialog]] 
-  * {{:I3D_RunPCA.png}} **Run PCA**: executes principal component analysis with the parameter values from this dropdown menu+  * {{:I3D_RunPCA.png?30}} **Run PCA**: executes principal component analysis with the parameter values from this dropdown menu
 ==== Help ==== ==== Help ====
-{{:I3DQuestions.png}} **Documentation**: provides quick access to select Inspect3D wiki pages:+{{:I3DQuestions.png?30}} **Documentation**: provides quick access to select Inspect3D wiki pages:
-  * {{:I3DOverview.png}} [[Other:Inspect3D:Inspect3D_Overview|Overview]] +  * {{:I3DOverview.png?30}} [[Other:Inspect3D:Inspect3D_Overview|Overview]] 
-  * {{:I3DDocumentation.png}} [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Inspect3D_Documentation_Overview|Documentation]] +  * {{:I3DDocumentation.png?30}} [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Inspect3D_Documentation_Overview|Documentation]] 
-  * {{:I3DTutorials.png}} [[Other:Inspect3D:Tutorials:Inspect3D_Tutorials_Overview|Tutorials]]:+  * {{:I3DTutorials.png?30}} [[Other:Inspect3D:Tutorials:Inspect3D_Tutorials_Overview|Tutorials]]:
     * [[Other:Inspect3D:Tutorials:Load_and_View_Data|Tutorial 1: Load signals into Inspect3D and view them]]     * [[Other:Inspect3D:Tutorials:Load_and_View_Data|Tutorial 1: Load signals into Inspect3D and view them]]
     * [[Other:Inspect3D:Tutorials:Clean_your_Data|Tutorial 2: Clean your data]]     * [[Other:Inspect3D:Tutorials:Clean_your_Data|Tutorial 2: Clean your data]]
     * [[Other:Inspect3D:Tutorials:Perform_Principal_Component_Analysis|Tutorial 3: Perform principal component analysis]]     * [[Other:Inspect3D:Tutorials:Perform_Principal_Component_Analysis|Tutorial 3: Perform principal component analysis]]
     * [[Other:Inspect3D:Tutorials:Export_Results|Tutorial 4: Export Results]]     * [[Other:Inspect3D:Tutorials:Export_Results|Tutorial 4: Export Results]]
-  * {{:I3DTroubleshooting.png}} [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]]+  * {{:I3DTroubleshooting.png?30}} [[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]]
-{{:I3DAboutDialogue.png}}+{{ :I3DAboutDialogue.png}}
-  * {{:I3DAboutButton.png}} **About**:+  * {{:I3DAboutButton.png?30}} **About**:
     * Version Number     * Version Number
     * Release Date     * Release Date
other/inspect3d/documentation/dialogs/toolbar.1734710997.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/20 16:09 by wikisysop