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visual3d:documentation:pipeline:event_commands:event_maximum [2025/03/03 18:33] wikisysopvisual3d:documentation:pipeline:event_commands:event_maximum [2025/03/03 21:17] (current) wikisysop
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 ==== Pipeline Command ==== ==== Pipeline Command ====
 +The command below is as seen in the Visual3D application:
 <code> <code>
Line 28: Line 29:
 </code> </code>
-\\ +==== Command Parameters ==== 
-**Specify an Event Label(s) at the specified local Maxima of a signal.**+The following table shows the command parameters and descriptions:
-**If the global maxima are neededsee the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Event_Commands:Event_Global_Maximum|Event_Global_Maximum]] command\\ +|**Parameter**  |**Description**| 
-**\\ +|**/RESULT_EVENT_NAME=**|The name assigned to the detected peak event.| 
-To review the difference between local and global maximum values please see [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:General_Information:Global_vs_Loca_Max_and_Min|here]].+|**!/SIGNAL_TYPES=**|Indicates type of signal analyzed.| 
 +|**!/SIGNAL_FOLDER=ORIGINAL**|Specifies the folder containing the target signal (typically ORIGINAL)| 
 +|**!/SIGNAL_NAMES=**|The name of the signal to analyze.| 
 +|**!/SIGNAL_COMPONENTS**|Which components to evaluate (XY, Z, Residual)| 
 +|**!/FRAME_OFFSET=**|Optional offset in frames to shift the detected event.
 +|**!/TIME_OFFSET=**|Optional offset in seconds to shift the detected event.| 
 +|**!/EVENT_SEQUENCE=**|Defines the sequence of events used.| 
 +|**!/EXCLUDE_EVENTS=**|Events to exclude within the sequence.| 
 +|**!/EVENT_SEQUENCE_INSTANCE=0**|Specifies which instance of the sequence to evaluate (0 to consider ALL)| 
 +|**!/EVENT_SUBSEQUENCE=**|Defines a smaller sequence within the main even sequence.| 
 +|**!/SUBSEQUENCE_EXCLUDE_EVENTS**|Events to exclude from the subsequence.| 
 +|**!/EVENT_SUBSEQUENCE_INSTANCE=0**|Specifies which instance of the subsequence to evaluate.| 
 +|**!/EVENT_INSTANCE=**|Specifies which instance of the event to label (0 for all, positive for first occurrences, negative for last occurrences).| 
 +|**!/FRAME_WINDOW=**|Number of frames around the maximum that must satisfy the threshold.| 
 +|**!/THRESHOLD=**|Defines the minimum value the signal must reach to qualify as a peak.|
-==== Visual3D_Version5 ==== 
-In version 5 the command has been extended to include the Event_Sequence and Exclude_Events parameters.+==== Dialog ==== 
 +The command can be edited in a text editor or in the dialog. To edit in the dialog, click on the **Edit** button in the pipeline workshop or double-click on the pipeline commandThe dialog is shown below:
-|**Event_Maximum**\\ \\ /RESULT_EVENT_NAME=EVENT_MAX\\ \\ /SIGNAL_TYPES=TARGET\\ \\ /SIGNAL_FOLDER=ORIGINAL\\ \\ /SIGNAL_NAMES=LFT2\\ \\ /SIGNAL_COMPONENTS=Z\\ \\ /FRAME_OFFSET=0\\ \\ /TIME_OFFSET=\\ \\ /EVENT_SEQUENCE=\\ \\ /EXCLUDE_EVENTS=\\ \\ /EVENT_SEQUENCE_INSTANCE=0\\ \\ /EVENT_SUBSEQUENCE=\\ \\ /SUBSEQUENCE_EXCLUDE_EVENTS=\\ \\ /EVENT_SUBSEQUENCE_INSTANCE=0\\ \\ /EVENT_INSTANCE=0\\ \\ /FRAME_WINDOW=8\\ \\ /THRESHOLD=0.14\\ \\ **;**|{{:EventMaximumDlg5.jpg}}|+{{:visual3d:documentation:pipeline:event_commands:event_max_dialog.png?400|}}
-\\ +---- 
-Other options within the command such as **Exclude Event**, and **Select Subsequence** are explained in detail on the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Event_Commands:Event_Global_Maximum#Examples|Event_Global_Maximum]] page.+==== Examples ====
-If /Threshold is empty, all local maximum are identified.+=== Example 1: Dialog Box === 
 +The first example will cover the command using the dialogTo create the RKFlex_MaxLocal event using the Event_Maximum dialog box:
-If /Threshold has a value or expression, only local maximum that are greater than the threshold are identified.+1. Add the **Event_Maximum** command to the pipelineThen, enter information into dialog box:
 +**Event_Name:** RKFlex_MaxLocal\\
 +**Select Frame Offset:** 0\\
 +**Signal Components:** X\\
 +**Event Sequence:**RHS -> RHS (use arrows to move from defined events list into sequence.) \\
 +**Event Sequence Instance:**0\\
-\\+2. Close the dialog, on the Signals and Events tab, select the desired signal from the data tree, in this case **Right_Knee_Angle**. Navigate into the LINK_MODEL_BASED items folder, and select the checkbox beside the signal.
 +3. Open the pipeline workshop again, and then click on **Import Selected Signals**.
-=== Example - Dialog Box ===+**RKFlex_Max** will be created at the minimum value during the gait cycle within the specified frame window.
-To create the RKFlex_MaxLocal event using the Event_Maximum dialog box:+=== Example 2Finding maximum event within a defined event sequence. ===
 +==== Notes ====
-|**1. Enter information into dialog box:**\\ \\ **Event_Name:** RKFlex_MaxLocal\\ \\ **Select Frame Offset:**0\\ \\ **Signal Components:**X\\ \\ **Select an event sequence and Instance for the range:**\\ \\ **Event Sequence Instance:**0\\ \\ **Defined Events:**RHS + RHS\\ \\ Click **OK**  |  {{:Event_Max_RKFlex_MaxLocal.jpg}}|+**Specify an Event Label(s) at the specified local Maxima of a signal.**
-\\+**If the global maxima are needed, see the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Event_Commands:Event_Global_Maximum|Event_Global_Maximum]] command**
 +To review the difference between local and global maximum values please see [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:General_Information:Global_vs_Loca_Max_and_Min|here]].
-|**2. Select desired signal:**\\ \\ Select **signal from data tree** Right_Knee_Angle\\ \\ Click **Import Selected Signals**   {{:Event_Max_RKFlex_MaxLocal_Import.jpg}}|+==== Visual3D_Version5 ==== 
 +In version 5 the command has been extended to include the Event_Sequence and Exclude_Events parameters. 
 \\ \\
-**RKFlex_Max** will be created at the minimum value during the gait cycle within the specified frame window.\\ +Other options within the command such as **Exclude Event**, and **Select Subsequence** are explained in detail on the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Event_Commands:Event_Global_Maximum#Examples|Event_Global_Maximum]] page. 
 +If /Threshold is empty, all local maximum are identified. 
 +If /Threshold has a value or expression, only local maximum that are greater than the threshold are identified
 Other options within the command such as **Exclude Event**, and **Select Subsequence** are explained in detail on the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Event_Commands:Event_Global_Maximum#Examples|Event_Global_Maximum]] page. Other options within the command such as **Exclude Event**, and **Select Subsequence** are explained in detail on the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Event_Commands:Event_Global_Maximum#Examples|Event_Global_Maximum]] page.
visual3d/documentation/pipeline/event_commands/event_maximum.1741026824.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/03/03 18:33 by wikisysop