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visual3d:documentation:pipeline:signal_commands:overview [2024/06/19 12:53] sgrangervisual3d:documentation:pipeline:signal_commands:overview [2024/07/12 13:31] (current) – removed sgranger
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-====== signal math ====== 
-===== expressions ===== 
-this command will allow you to create custom mathematical expressions. 
-===== add_constant_to_signals ===== 
-adds a constant to the specified components of a signal(s) 
-===== add_random_noise_to_signals ===== 
-===== add_signals ===== 
-add the specified signals. 
-signals must be at the same sampling rate. if your signals are a different rate, you can use the [[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:expressions:overview|evaluate_expression]] command, which determines an appropriate rate automatically. 
-===== divide_signals ===== 
-this command will divide signals with the first signal being the numerator. 
-===== divide_signal_by_constant ===== 
-this command will divide a specified components of a signal(s) by a constant. 
-===== first_derivative ===== 
-compute the first derivative at each point of a signal. this command is useful for calculating the velocity of targets, landmarks, etc. 
-===== second_derivative ===== 
-compute the second derivative at each point of a signal. this command is useful for calculating the acceleration of targets, landmarks, etc. 
-===== multiply_signals ===== 
-multiply the components of the specified signals. 
-===== multiply_signals_by_constant ===== 
-multiply signals by a constant value. 
-===== indefinite_integral ===== 
-compute an indefinite integral from the start event to the stop event. 
-===== signal_magnitude ===== 
-calculate the magnitude of a signal. 
-magnitude=sqrt( x^2+y^2+z^2 ) 
-===== subtract_constant_from_signals ===== 
-subtracts a constant from the specified components of a signal(s) 
-===== subtract_signals ===== 
-subtract the components of the specified signals. 
-===== square_root ===== 
-compute the square root of a signal or metric. this command can be used to compute the vector magnitude of a signal. 
-===== compute_planar_angle ===== 
-this command computes a planar angle between three or four points. 
-===== compute_volume_of_chest_wall ===== 
-===== compute_volume_of_a_convex_hull ===== 
-====== signal/data management ====== 
-===== create_target ===== 
-===== global_normalized_signal_mean ===== 
-===== find_representative_signal ===== 
-===== merge_data ===== 
-this command merges data from more than one data name into a single one either by appending one signal to the end of another signal or by treating each original signal as a component of the new signal. 
-===== copy_folder ===== 
-makes a copy of an existing folder. if the new folder already exists, select whether these signals should be overwritten (replaced). 
-===== rename_folder ===== 
-this command renames the specified folder. 
-===== delete_folder ===== 
-deletes the specified folder. note that original folders can not be deleted. 
-===== remove_signals ===== 
-===== rename_signals ===== 
-===== remove_unlabeled_points ===== 
-vicon nexus exports unlabeled trajectories, and identifies them by placing an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the filename 
-===== remove_polygon_signals ===== 
-remove processed signals generated by polygon and stored as point data in the c3d file. 
-====== signal filter ====== 
-===== average_filter ===== 
-===== fft_filter ===== 
-===== gcvspl ===== 
-===== lowpass filter ===== 
-===== highpass filter ===== 
-===== onepass_filter ===== 
-===== median_filter ===== 
-===== moving_rms ===== 
-===== teager_kaiser_energy ===== 
-teager-kaiser energy operator 
-===== using the matlab fda tool for designing a notch filter ===== 
-===== shift_frames ===== 
-====== signal process ====== 
-===== interpolate ===== 
-===== replace ===== 
-===== set_data_to_new_values ===== 
-===== rectify ===== 
-===== first_derivative ===== 
-===== second_derivative ===== 
-===== transform_data_coordinate_system ===== 
-===== distance_along_path ===== 
-===== distance_parallel_to_path ===== 
-===== distance_perpendicular_to_path ===== 
-===== compute_ud_power ===== 
-===== cross_correlation ===== 
-===== compute_ik_residuals ===== 
-====== examples ====== 
-===== example_-_intersection_of_two_lines ===== 
-compute the intersection of two lines 
-===== example_-_intersection_of_a_line_and_a_plane ===== 
-compute the intersection of a line with a plane 
-===== example_-_computing_the_head_fixation_point ===== 
-the head fixation point is the intersection between the anterior direction of the head at one frame of time and an another frame of time. this examples makes use of the example for computing the intersection of 2 lines found above. 
visual3d/documentation/pipeline/signal_commands/overview.1718801596.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/19 12:53 by sgranger