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visual3d:getting_started:menus [2024/11/15 19:33] – [File Menu] wikisysopvisual3d:getting_started:menus [2024/12/12 11:32] (current) wikisysop
Line 34: Line 34:
 Prompts the user with the file save dialog in order to save all open files to a new or existing C-Motion (cmz) Document. Prompts the user with the file save dialog in order to save all open files to a new or existing C-Motion (cmz) Document.
 === Export === === Export ===
Line 62: Line 64:
 CMO files intended for the Free CMO viewer, however, must explicitly embed the graphics by selecting the export option to include the graphics. CMO files intended for the Free CMO viewer, however, must explicitly embed the graphics by selecting the export option to include the graphics.
 === Add Modify File Tags === === Add Modify File Tags ===
Line 67: Line 71:
 Brings up a window to add/modify file tags Brings up a window to add/modify file tags
-=== Add Modify Synchronized Video Files ===+=== Add_Modify_Synchronized_Video_Files ===
-Allows mapping of video files (.mpg, .avi, etc) to motion files for synchronized playback.+[[Add_Modify_Synchronized_Video_Files]]
 +Allows mapping of video files (.mpg, .avi, etc) to motion files for synchronized playback.
 === Add Modify Synchronized Motion Files === === Add Modify Synchronized Motion Files ===
 Allows multiselection of C3D motion files and frame offsets for synchronized playback. Allows multiselection of C3D motion files and frame offsets for synchronized playback.
Line 96: Line 103:
 Exits the Visual 3D application. Exits the Visual 3D application.
-===== Model Menu =====+===== Edit Menu =====
-The model menu is dedicated to features related predominantly to a Link Model.+=== Program Options ===
-{{ :ModelMenu1.jpg}}+Modify the default folders and the default viewing options.
-When no model is loaded in Visual3D only the option to create a model is available. +{{:ProgramOptions.png?400}}
- +
-=== Create (Add Static Calibration File) === +
- +
-Creates a new model ([[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Modeling_Overview#Visual3D_Model_Types|Hybrid, 6DOF, Helen Hayes & Derived...]]) A static calibration file must be opened with the new model because there is a direct one-to-one link between the standing trial and the model. +
- +
-[[Visual3D:Tutorials:Modeling:Lower_Body_6_DOF|See this tutorial]]. +
- +
-When a model is loaded the following features are available +
- +
-{{ :ModelMenu2.jpg}} +
- +
-=== Compute Model Based Data === +
- +
-Brings up a window to create or modify model based calculations (such as joint angles, joint powers, etc.) The resulting data is created on the files specified in the file selection combo. +
- +
-=== Assign Model to Motion File === +
- +
-Allows the user to specify which model is to be applied to each movement trial. +
- +
-=== Close Model === +
- +
-Closes the current model +
- +
-=== Convert Model To Hybrid === +
- +
-Convert a Visual3D Legacy model to a Hybrid Model +
- +
-=== Apply Model Template === +
- +
-Opens a model template file (.mdh, .mod, .bsp) to be applied to the currently active model. All existing segments, landmarks, etc. are deleted prior to applying the new template +
- +
-=== Save Model Template === +
- +
-Saves the currently active model to a file (.mdh, .mod). +
- +
-=== Append Model Template === +
- +
-to current model Adds the segment, landmarks, etc in the template to the current model without deleting the current attributes +
- +
-=== Modify Subject Mass and Height === +
- +
-Modify the model properties. Note that these values are also subject metrics that can be edited in the Subject Data/Metrics property page +
- +
-=== Modify Frame Range for Subject Cal === +
- +
-Modifies the frame range to use for the subject calibration file. +
- +
-=== View/Edit Segment to Force assignments === +
- +
-modify the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Kinematics_and_Kinetics:External_Forces:Force_Assignment|segment assignments]] +
- +
-=== Color Item with Signal Value === +
- +
-Allows the user to map signals to segments, and select color values to color a segment based upon the signal values.+
 ===== View Menu ===== ===== View Menu =====
-{{:ViewMenu.jpg}}+{{ :ViewMenu.jpg}}
 The view menu contains a miscellaneous set of commands related to the interface. The view menu contains a miscellaneous set of commands related to the interface.
Line 170: Line 123:
 {{:toolbar.jpg}} {{:toolbar.jpg}}
-**Large Toolbar** - toggles the large or small toolbar+===Large Toolbar===  
 +Toggles the large or small toolbar
 {{:SmallToolbar.jpg}} {{:SmallToolbar.jpg}}
Line 196: Line 151:
 === View HAS-Motion Visual3D Banner === === View HAS-Motion Visual3D Banner ===
-toggles the display of a banner at the top of the 3D view+Toggles the display of a banner at the top of the 3D view
 {{:Visual3DBanner.jpg}} {{:Visual3DBanner.jpg}}
Line 203: Line 158:
 Toggles between Black lines and Colored lines on the interactive graphs Toggles between Black lines and Colored lines on the interactive graphs
 {{:ColoredGraph.jpg}} {{:ColoredGraph.jpg}}
Line 213: Line 166:
 {{:GraphAnimationFrameLine.jpg}} {{:GraphAnimationFrameLine.jpg}}
 === View Synchronized Video === === View Synchronized Video ===
Line 226: Line 178:
 {{:SetCameraPerspective.jpg}} {{:SetCameraPerspective.jpg}}
 === Processing Results === === Processing Results ===
Line 234: Line 185:
 {{:ProcessingResults.jpg}} {{:ProcessingResults.jpg}}
-===== Pipeline Menu =====+===== Model Menu =====
-{{:PipelineMenu.jpg}}+The model menu is dedicated to features related predominantly to a Link Model.
-The pipeline menu contains the recent pipelines that were executed. Selecting a pipeline will cause it to be loaded and executed automatically.+{{ :ModelMenu1.jpg}}
-Select **View Pipeline** is equivalent to selecting the **View Pipeline icon** on the Toolbar.+When no model is loaded in Visual3D only the option to create a model is available. 
 +=== Create (Add Static Calibration File) === 
 +Creates a new model ([[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Modeling_Overview#Visual3D_Model_Types|Hybrid, 6DOF, Helen Hayes & Derived...]]) A static calibration file must be opened with the new model because there is a direct one-to-one link between the standing trial and the model. 
 +[[Visual3D:Tutorials:Modeling:Lower_Body_6_DOF|See this tutorial]]. 
 +When a model is loaded the following features are available 
 +{{ :ModelMenu2.jpg}} 
 +=== Compute Model Based Data === 
 +Brings up a window to create or modify model based calculations (such as joint angles, joint powers, etc.) The resulting data is created on the files specified in the file selection combo. 
 +=== Assign Model to Motion File === 
 +Allows the user to specify which model is to be applied to each movement trial. 
 +=== Close Model === 
 +Closes the current model 
 +=== Convert Model To Hybrid === 
 +Convert a Visual3D Legacy model to a Hybrid Model 
 +=== Apply Model Template === 
 +Opens a model template file (.mdh, .mod, .bsp) to be applied to the currently active model. All existing segments, landmarks, etc. are deleted prior to applying the new template 
 +=== Save Model Template === 
 +Saves the currently active model to a file (.mdh, .mod). 
 +=== Append Model Template === 
 +to current model Adds the segment, landmarks, etc in the template to the current model without deleting the current attributes 
 +=== Modify Subject Mass and Height === 
 +Modify the model properties. Note that these values are also subject metrics that can be edited in the Subject Data/Metrics property page 
 +=== Modify Frame Range for Subject Cal === 
 +Modifies the frame range to use for the subject calibration file. 
 +=== View/Edit Segment to Force assignments === 
 +Modify the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Kinematics_and_Kinetics:External_Forces:Force_Assignment|segment assignments]] 
 +=== Color Item with Signal Value === 
 +Allows the user to map signals to segments, and select color values to color a segment based upon the signal values. 
 +===== Force ===== 
 +==== Minimum Force ==== 
 +Visual3D's Force menu contains an option to set a threshold for force platform/structure data. 
 +Applying a threshold value to the force signals ensures that If the computed force is less than the minimum force, then the FORCE and FREEMOMENT are set to zero, the COFP is set to [[Visual3D:Documentation:C3D_Signal_Types:DATA_NOT_FOUND|DATA_NOT_FOUND]]. This value can also be set using the pipeline command **[[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Force_Commands:Set_Force_Platform_Threshold|Set_Force_Platform_Threshold]]**. This command is listed under the **[[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Force_Commands:Force_Commands_Review|Force]]** category of the pipeline commands. This threshold value is used to remove noise from the force signals. Often for instrumented treadmills this value must be set higher than for overground gait trials. 
 ===== Settings ===== ===== Settings =====
Line 287: Line 304:
 === Use dd/mm/yyyy (European/Canadian format) Dates === === Use dd/mm/yyyy (European/Canadian format) Dates ===
-=== Program Options === 
-Modify the default folders and the default viewing options.+===== Pipeline Menu =====
 +The pipeline menu contains the recent pipelines that were executed. Selecting a pipeline will cause it to be loaded and executed automatically. 
 +Select **View Pipeline** is equivalent to selecting the **View Pipeline icon** on the Toolbar.
visual3d/getting_started/menus.1731699190.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/15 19:33 by wikisysop