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visual3d:tutorials:theia:theia3d_merge [2024/07/12 13:32] – removed sgrangervisual3d:tutorials:theia:theia3d_merge [2024/10/21 14:47] (current) wikisysop
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 +====== Theia3D Merge ======
 +This tutorial demonstrates the process of merging Theia3D's output [[Visual3D:Documentation:C3D_Signal_Types:C3D_Format|C3D]] files and other C3D files. The typical scenario is to merge Theia3D's motion capture output and analog signals such as force platform recordings.
 +There are two methods for achieving this merge:
 +  - Users can [[#Merging_C3D_files_interactively|interactively]] merge C3D files using the Visual3D interface.
 +  - Users can use the [[#Manage_Theia3D_Merge|Manage_Theia3D_Merge]] pipeline command.
 +==== Demo Files ====
 +Download the [[|zip file]] containing folder paths and files for this tutorial.
 +==== Merging C3D files interactively ====
 +=== Open Theia3D C3D File ===
 +If you use TMBATCH, select the default folder paths, which should be in the form. \\
 +STUDY : GROUP : SESSION : ACTION : TRIAL : pose_filt_0.c3d
 +The relative path for this example data is:
 +Open this file:
 +Visual3D recognizes this as a Theia3D output file and will automatically create a model and assign the motion file.
 +The workspace status TAB will display the model and movement trial.
 +Note that the standing trial was created virtually based on the c3d parameters in the movement trial
 +The name of the static file is the name of the first movement file loaded with _Static applied to the name.
 +Switch to Model Builder mode.
 +The segments and landmarks have been created automatically.
 +Edit the Right Thigh segment
 +Note that Theia3D stores [[Visual3D:Documentation:C3D_Signal_Types:ROTATION_DATA_TYPE|ROTATION signals]], not TARGETS.
 +If a ROTATION signal is selected for a location, only the position information is used from the signal
 +The "Ignore Calibaration" button is selected as Theia3D exports the 6 DOF pose of the segment.
 +Unless there is a reason to modify the coordinate system, the default is to assign the ROTATION signal to the pose of the segment.
 +Switch to the Signals and Events TAB and animate the motion file.
 +Note the ROTATION folder is open in this image displaying the ROTATION signals exported by Theia3D.
 +=== Import Analog signals and Force Platform parameters from QTM C3D File ===
 +The QTM files should be stored in the following
 +The QTM filenames should be similar to the Theia3D TRIAL path name. For example,
 +The relative path for this example data is:
 +Use the following command to import analog signals and force platform parameters from the QTM generated c3d file.
 +For this example, we only need to specify a few of the possible parameters for this command and leave the remaining parameters to their default values
 +After executing this command the analog signals and force platform parameters have been added to the Theia3D file.
 +=== Exporting the merged C3D file (Optional) ===
 +The resulting C3D file is still named pose_filt_0.c3d, which is a bit of a nuisance in Visual3D as the short filename for all files would be the same.
 +From the **File** menu, open the **Export** subfolder and select **Export C3D File.** The //Export C3D File// dialog box will open.\\
 +From the **File to Export** drop down Select //pose_filt_0.c3d.//
 +Click **Browse.**
 +From the //Save As// dialog box browse to the location where you store your files and enter //New_Filename.c3d// in the **File name** field.\\
 +Click **Save.**
 +From the //Export C3D File// dialog box Click **Export.**\\
 +**Note:** Leave all other options at the default values. Many of these options are available to handle irregularities in the c3d file format, and should only be used when necessary.
 +Given the merged c3d file, you can save the file as a cmz file
 +or you can [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:File_Commands:Export_C3DFile|export the c3d file]]
 +==== Manage_Theia3D_Merge ====
 +Visual3D has a pipeline command dedicated to merging theia3D output files with other synchronized files containing marker and analog signals and force platform parameters
 +In order to automate the merge, it was necessary to make some assumptions about filenames and folder paths similar to the [[#Merging_C3D_files_interactively|previous example]].
 +If you use Theia's TMBATCH, select the default folder paths. This should be in the form.
 +STUDY : GROUP : SESSION_THEIA : ACTION : TRIAL : pose_filt_0.c3d
 +The Other files should be stored in the following
 +The OTHER filenames should be similar to the Theia3D TRIAL path name. For this tutorial the file paths begin at the session level,\\
 +001_THEIA : WALK : TRIAL1 : pose_filt_0.c3d\\
 +001_QTM : WALK : Trial1.c3d
 +While this example may include only one Theia3D file and one Other file, the command will act on all SESSIONS, ACTIONS and TRIALS in the filepath.
 +A cmz file is created for each session and stored in the corresponding Theia3D session
 +=== Import Analog Files ===
 +Having all files named pose_filt_0.c3d is a bit of a nuisance for Visual3D and the files are renamed by the command.
 +The new name is a concatenation of the name and TRIAL name. For this example\\
 +Having the sessions in parallel was implemented because Theia3D keeps evolving and there may be multiple versions of the Theia3D Session for the same original videos. 
 +For example: SESSION_V2 and SESSION_V3
 +Getting the Theia3D files into this folder structure is straightforward as it is the default from Theia.
 +Note that the command requires the specification of the full root folder.
 +For this documentation I have represented all but the last folder in the hierarchy
 +/ROOT_FOLDER=\\Mac\Home\Desktop\TestData\Merge\Wiki Example\Visual3D_Theia_Tutorial1\
 +! /ACTION=
 +The Visual3D workspace is as follows: Note the name of the files WALK_001.c3d and WALK_001_STATIC.c3c
 +The data and animation should look the same as the previous example
 +=== Merge Targets and Analog Signals ===
 +The following command options merge Theia3D files with QTM files that have markers, a standing trial, and a model template.
 +To distinguish the marker and markerless data, subject prefixes were added.
 +The result will have two models associated with the movement trials.
 +/ROOT_FOLDER=\\Mac\Home\Desktop\TestData\Merge\Wiki Example\Visual3D_Theia_Tutorial1\
 +! /ACTION=
 +After executing this command the workspace will have one motion file associated with two model files
 +One model file is for the marker data
 +Note the prefix M: on the marker names
 +One model file is for the Theia3D data
 +Note the prefix ML: on the rotation names
 +The resulting animation will display both models.
visual3d/tutorials/theia/theia3d_merge.1720791139.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/12 13:32 by sgranger