====== Installation ====== **Note**: The standalone CalTesterPlus application has been deprecated. For Visual3D users, CalTesterPlus is now part of the Visual3D application as a separately licensed module. ===== CalTesterPlus Hardware Requirements ===== ==== Computer Requirements ==== CalTesterPlus runs under Microsoft Windows XP and above as a 32-bit application. It is possible to run CalTesterPlus on a Netbook with an Atom processor and 256MB of memory, but naturally more powerful and advanced hardware is best. We recommend having 2GB or more of memory and dual-core processors or better. CalTesterPlus will also run under the Mac OS X operating system. ===== Downloading CalTesterPlus ===== HAS-Motion software is all downloaded over the Internet at [[https://www.has-motion.ca|www.has-motion.ca]].\\ Customers are provided login information to access the download page.\\ \\ After you log in at [[https://www.has-motion.ca|www.has-motion.ca]], you will see a screen similar to this:\\ \\ {{caltester:caltesterplus:Down1.jpg?500}}\\ \\ Most web browsers will offer you a choice of where to save the downloaded file. Make sure you remember where you save the downloaded file.\\ Click the **DOWNLOAD** Buttons to save the CalTesterPlus installation file to your computer.\\ **NOTE**: If you are using **Windows 7** then you should NOT download the license file directly to C:\. There is a "quirk" in **Windows 7** security that prohibits this. Download somewhere else and copy the file afterwards. Run the installation executable file you downloaded. ===== Installing ===== When you run the executable file that you downloaded you will be guided though the following steps. (If updating CalTesterPlus, just install right over top the existing installation. Your settings will remain intact - there is no need to uninstall or deactivate licenses first.) 1. Your computer will confirm that you trust the source of the program you are installing. Select Run in order to continue installing CalTesterPlus.\\ \\ {{:CalTesterPlusOpenFileWarning.png}}\\ \\ 2. You will be asked to select either English or French as the language to be used for installation.\\ \\ {{:CalTesterPlusSelectSetupLanguage.png}}\\ \\ 3. The Setup Wizard will be activated and it will be recommended that you quit all other applications before continuing. Note that this page tells you what version you are installing.\\ \\ {{:CalTesterPlusWelcomeToSetupWizard.png}}\\ \\ 4. You will then be presented with the licensing agreement. It is very important that you read it before continuing.\\ \\ {{:CalTesterPlusLicensingAgreement.png}}\\ \\ 5. You will then be presented with an Information window that has copyright information and details of what has been improved for the current version.\\ \\ {{:CalTesterPlusSetupInformation.png}}\\ \\ 6. You will then be asked to confirm, or chose, where you would like to install the program.\\ \\ {{:CalTesterPlusSelectDestinationLocation.png}}\\ \\ 7. You will then be asked to confirm, or chose, where you would like to install the program's shortcut.\\ \\ {{:CalTesterPlusSelectStartMenu.png}}\\ \\ 8. You will then be asked if you would like to create a desktop shortcut icon to facilitate access to the program.\\ \\ {{:CalTesterPlusDesktopIcon.png}}\\ \\ 9. You will then be present with a summary of where files and shortcuts will be installed. This is your last chance to go back and change your installation choices.\\ \\ {{:CalTesterPlusReadyToInstall.png}}\\ \\ 10. You will then need to wait as the program completes the installation on your computer. The process is complete when the green bar reached 100%. You will be moved automatically to the next step. If you press Cancel during this process the installation process will be stopped.\\ \\ {{:CalTesterInstallingWindow.png}}\\ \\ 11. When the Completed dialogue appears CalTesterPlus has been successfully installed on your computer. If you leave the checkbox selected CalTesterPlus will be opened automatically, after you click the Finish button.\\ \\ {{:CalTesterLaunchIORGait.png}}\\ \\ ===== License Key ===== On launching the application for the first time, users will be prompted to enter a license key. This is to allow HAS-Motion to help ensure that the software is authorized. After this information has been entered once, the application will go straight to its main screen on successive launches. For more information on activating CalTesterPlus see below. ===== Activation / Deactivation ===== The first time that you attempt to use CalTesterPlus you will need to activate the program. The instructions for activating CalTesterPlus are listed below, once the program is activated you will not need to repeat these steps again unless the program is deactivated. Each of the Licensing keys can only be used on one computer at a time. If you wish to use the Licensing key on another computer you will need to deactivate CalTesterPlus on the computer that the Licensing key is being used on (instructions are below.) You can then use that key to activate the program on another computer. ==== Activation ==== 1. In order to activate CalTesterPlus click on the icon to open the program. {{:CalTesterPlusButton.png}} 2. If the program needs to be activated you will be presented with the "Enter Licensing Key" Dialogue box. {{:CalTesterPlusLicenseKeyEntry.png}} 3. Entre your licensing key into the text field. It is a string of four sets of four numbers (ie. #### - #### - #### - ####) which is normally e-mailed to you when you initially purchased CalTesterPlus. The number can also be found on your customer account page when you login through the [[https://www.has-motion.ca|HAS-Motion website]]. Once you press the Activate button CalTesterPlus will be launched. If you press the Cancel button CalTesterPlus will close without being activated. ==== Deactivation ==== 1. In order to deactivate the licensing key you need to open the About window by clicking on the [[CalTester:CalTesterPlus:Documentation:CalTesterPlus_Doocumentation_Overview#About|About button]] at the bottom right of the screen. {{:CalTesterPlusAboutButton.png}} 2. Once the About window is open you need to click the "Deactivate Application" button located at the bottom right of the dialogue box. {{:AboutCalTesterPlus.png}} 3. A dialogue box will appear in order to confirm that you want to deactivate your licensing key. Click Yes to continue otherwise you will be returned to the About window. {{:DeactivateCalTesterPlus.png}} 4. The final window will appear to inform you that the licensing key has been successfully deactivated. When you press OK CalTesterPlus will be closed and the process will be complete. {{:CalTesterPlusHasBeenDeactivated.png}} ===== Uninstalling ===== If you want to completely remove CalTesterPlus from your computer you will need to uninstall it. 1. Close CalTesterPlus completely. 2. Click on the bottom left of your screen in order to open the Start menu. {{:RunButton.png}}‎ 3. Click on "All Programs" and navigate to the folder named CMotion. This folder name has been maintained for legacy reasons. {{:CMotionInStartFolder.png}} 4. Expand the CMotion folder and navigate to the folder named CalTesterPlus. {{:CalTesterPlusInStartFolder2.png}} 5. Expand the CalTesterPlus folder and click on the Uninstall CalTesterPlus.exe. {{:CalTesterPlusInStartFolder.png}} 6. Your computer will confirm that you wish to remove CalTesterPlus from your computer. Select Yes to continue. 7. CalTesterPlus will confirm that you wish to remove CalTesterPlus from your computer. Select Yes to continue. {{:CalTesterPlusUninstall1.png}} 8. There will be a brief pause as the program finds all of the files that need to be deleted and removes them permanently from your computer. The process is complete when the green bar reached 100%. You will be moved automatically to the next step. If you press Cancel during this process the uninstallation process will be stopped. {{:CalTesterPlusUninstall2.png}} 9. You will then get a message stating that CalTesterPlus has been successfully removed from your computer. {{:CalTesterPlusUninstall3.png}} Note: Should you neglect step number 1 and try to uninstall CalTesterPlus while it is running you will get the following message. This means that while you have removed the essential components for running CalTesterPlus there has been some portion left behind which must be deleted manually. {{:CalTesterPlusUninstallError.png}}