====== Camera data conversion ====== The Conversion program is capable of converting raw camera data files collected from a number of commercial motion capture systems to //.cen// files that can be directly read by AMASS. The process is typically a single mouse click operation. ==== Parameters ==== The Input tab contains a list box that allows the user to choose from a list of supported camera systems. The selection of //Capture// will enable the //Captureā€¦// button in AMASS shell provided that the //cen// file radio button is also selected, and will permit the user to launch the C-Motion capture program. {{:parameters_input.jpg}} The selection of any other system will enable the leftmost radio button in the AMASS shell and supply a raw camera data file extension. The user can then browse for folders containing raw camera data files and translate them to //.cen// files using the //Convert// function. Placing a check in the check box instructs the software to call the //ViewCen// program automatically after each //.cen// file is completed. ==== Supported systems ==== ==== ViewCen ==== The ViewCen utility may be run on any //.cen// file by clicking on **ViewCen** after the //.cen// file has been selected in the //Input files// list box. It provides a quick method of checking the quality of the raw camera data for any camera. {{:Convert_ViewCen.jpg}} The image area shows the full view as seen by the camera, and the slider may be used to access any frame. Cliking a double arrow button causes the frames to be replayed at the collected frame rate. Clicking the button a second time doubles the replay rate, etc. Click on the slider area to stop the replay. === Button functions === **Parameters:** This brings up a window displaying some internal parameters for the //.cen// file. **Next:** If more than one //.cen// file was selected before the **ViewCen** button was clicked in the AMASS shell, then the next file is displayed. **Close:** Exits the ViewCen program.