====== Convert AMASS2 ====== ==== Inroduction ==== The //**Convert**// program is capable of converting raw camera data files collected by select motion capture systems to .//cen// files that can be directly read by AMASS. This process is typically a single mouse-click operation. Typically a data capture window for the input camera system will be run in parallel with the AMASS shell program window, and after one or more trials have been captured the user can immediately switch to the AMASS window to process the files. ==== Convert parameters ==== === Input system === In the **Input** tab of the AMASS parameters dialog choose the system type from which the raw data files originate. Refer to [[index.php?title=Appendix_B&action=edit&redlink=1|Appendix B]] for a list and details of supported systems. {{:convert_params.jpg}} === ViewCen === Checking the **ViewCen** box will automatically start the .//cen// file display utility after each file conversion. ==== Convert ==== The selection of any **Input system** other than **Capture2D** will enable the leftmost radio button in the **Input files** group of the AMASS shell and display an extension name appropriate for the input system. You can now browse for the raw data files folder, and optionally set a different folder for the .//cen// files that will be generated. Note that you may need to use the **Refresh** button to have the files collected in the capture window show up in the **Input files** list of the AMASS shell. {{:convert_shell.jpg}} For systems that produce individual camera files for each data capture only the lowest numbered file will be displayed in the input file list. However, the conversion process creates a single .//cen// file for each capture even if multiple camera files were produced by the originating system. Clicking on **Convert** will now process all selected raw files and write the resulting .//cen// files to the designated **cen** file folder. At the conclusion of processing the AMASS shell program automatically selects the **cen** radio button and the generated .//cen// files so that they may be immediately passed to the next AMASS function.