====== 3D Calibration ====== The //3D Calibration// widget contains the parameters that control the calculation of the 3D configuration of the X-ray equipment (//i.e.//, the position of the X-ray sources and the positions and orientations of the image planes). You should check that the parameters are specified properly before doing //Tools → Compute 3D Configuration//. {{:CalDSX_3DCalibrationWidget.png}} * **Image Distance Allowance** Used when calculating the 3D configuration parameters. It is the amount by which the source-to-image-plane distance is allowed to change from the user-specified value. The default value is 0.0. * **Optimize Pixel Size** Specifies whether or not to optimize the pixel size when calculating the 3D configuration parameters. The default value is false (box is unchecked). * **Square Pixels** Specifies whether or not to force the X and Y pixel sizes to be the same when distortion-correcting the X-ray images. The default value is true (box is checked). * **Source To Image** The distance between the X-ray source and the plane of the image intensifier or flat-panel detector. This distance should be measured carefully in millimeters during data collection, and entered into the subject file with [[Other:DSX:xManager:xManager_Overview|//xManager//]]. It can also be entered here if 3D calibration has not been performed yet. During 3D calibration, this distance will be optimized by the DLT algorithm if **Image Distance Allowance** is greater than zero, and its updated value will be shown here.