====== Motion Capture Cameras ====== Mocap cameras are cameras of a motion-capture system. In the 3D view they are represented by a small box (the camera body) and a semi-transparent cone (the field of view). You can place any number of them in the scene and specify the length and radius of the field of view. To add a mocap camera to the scene, press the **Add** button. PlanDSX will add a camera with default parameters pointed at the origin. You can then change its properties using the table and move it in the 3D view. To delete a camera, select it in the table and press the **Remove** button. {{:PlanDSX_CamerasWidget.png}} The table contains the following properties of each mocap camera: * **Name** When a new camera is created it is given a default name with the format Camera (1), Camera (2) ... Camera (N). To change this name double-click on it and type in a new name. * **Length** The length of the cone representing the field of view. To change the length double-click on it and enter a new value. * **Radius** The radius of the end of the cone representing the field of view. To change the radius double-click on it and enter a new value. * **Visibility** This checkbox toggles the visibility of the mocap camera in the 3D view. * **Color** The color of the camera body and field of view in the 3D view. To change the color, double-click on the color box and select a new color.