====== Calculate Bone Poses from Motion Capture Data ====== || Once you have created the model template and constraint scripts, the general process for using a mocap model with a DSX trial is: - Calculate the transform between the x-ray lab frame and the mocap system frame. [[Other:DSX:CalibrateDSX:CalibrateDSX_Overview|CalibrateDSX]] does this using the surface markers and radiopaque beads on the calibration object. - Create the mocap model using the static trial. This determines the offset between each DSX segment (e.g., right distal femur) and its corresponding mocap segment (e.g., right thigh). - Apply the mocap model to the marker data for the motion trial. This determines the poses of the mocap segments (and thus DSX segments) for every frame of the x-ray trial. To create a mocap model and use it to generate poses for the objects in a DSX trial, perform the following steps: - xManager: specify the C3D file for the motion trial and its associated static trial. - xManager: specify the model template (MDH) and build and recalc scripts (V3S) for the static trial. - xManager: specify the static trial as the reference trial for the motion trial. - CalibrateDSX: load the calibration object trial and track the beads in it for all frames. - CalibrateDSX: select Mocap→Compute DSX/mocap transform. - X4D: load the static trial and track all of the objects in any one x-ray frame. Save the pose maps. - CalibrateDSX: load the static trial, then select Mocap→Create Mocap Model. - X4D: load the motion trial and select all of the objects. In the [[Other:DSX:X4D:Motion_Capture_Model|**Mocap Model**]] widget, select Calculate Mocap Poses.