====== E3D Export Setting File ====== The .e3d file format is an method of storing Inspect3D export settings as XML, ensuring that they are both human- and machine-readable. Inspect3D allows users to save export settings from the {{:I3DExportPCAResults.png}} **[[Other:Inspect3D:Documentation:Dialogs:Export_Results|Export Results]]** dialog. Previously-saved export settings can also be loaded and used from this dialog. ==== Format ==== As an XML document, an .e3d file is made up of hierarchical elements that are demarcated by tags, indicated by the < and > characters. An element consists of a start tag, , and end tag, , and all of the characters in between. Alternatively, an element can be defined by a single tag, . Tags can also contain attributes in the //name="value"// format, further describing the associated element. 1. The top-level element in an .e3d file is //exportFiles//. It contains one //folderpath// element, one or more //exportFile//elements, and one //I3D_Info// element. 2. The //folderPath// element has a single attribute, //path// which is the path to the folder to which all of the exported files will be saved. 3. The //exportFile// elements each describe a single exported file. These have a single attribute, //name//, which is the name of exported file. These also contain two elements: //exportData// and //settings//. 4. The //exportData// element records the position of the active plot, whether all groups and workspaces were selected, and provides a list of selected groups and a list of selected workspaces. This element is not read in when applying export settings again, but it provides a potentially useful record of the original export. 5. The //settings// element records the specific settings from the Export Results dialog. Only those settings from the active Export_Type will be included. 6. The //I3D_Info// element has a single attribute, //version// which is the version of Inspect3D used to create the .e3d file. This can be used for troubleshooting if the format of an .e3d file changes in the future. ==== DTD ==== Formally, an .e3d file respects the Document Type Definition (DTD): ]>