====== I3D Workspace File ====== The .i3d file format is an method of storing the Inspect3D application's workspace settings as XML, ensuring that they are both human- and machine-readable. Inspect3D allows users to save its current workspace settings from the {{:I3DSaveWorkspaceAs.png}} **Save Workspace As** or {{:I3DSaveWorkspace.png}} **Save Workspace** toolbar items. Previously-saved application workspace settings can be loaded and applied from the {{:I3DLoadWorkSpace.png}} **Load Workspace** toolbar item. ==== Format ==== As an XML document, an .i3d file is made up of hierarchical elements that are demarcated by tags, indicated by the < and > characters. An element consists of a start tag, , and end tag, , and all of the characters in between. Alternatively, an element can be defined by a single tag, . Tags can also contain attributes in the //name="value"// format, further describing the associated element. 1. The top-level element in an .i3d file is //workspace//. It contains a number of subordinate elements. 2. An .i3d file contains a number of different second-level elements. These include: - //Library//: File path to the currently loaded CMO library - //class_style//: Styles applied to classes of signals - //ex_style//: Styles applied to excluded signals - //vert_style//: Styles applied to vertical lines - //PCA_Data//: Settings for [[Sift:Principal_Component_Analysis:Principal_Component_Analysis|principal component analysis]] - //PCA_Prefs//: Preferences for the 6 PCA result sub-windows - //query_info//: Definitions for currently applied queries - //vert_style//: Styles applied to vertical lines - //graph_para//: Settings for the 6 PCA result sub-windows - //orig_pref//: Settings for the Queried Data window - //Intermediate_Events//: Styles applied to any defined Intermediate Events - //I3D_Info//: Version information for the Inspect3D application