====== SNRC WRAMC Bader Client Documentation ====== ===== Introduction ===== {{:SWBaderFullShot.png}} The SNRC WRAMC Bader Client can be divided into two portions. On the left side of the Client is the Input section which allows the user to control what data is inputted into the Client and how it is treated. The Output section on the right of the Client allows the user to see the graphical representation of their data. ===== Input ===== ==== Connection ==== {{:SWBaderConnection.png}} The Connection section allows the Client connect to the computer that hosts Visual3DServer. The IP address used in the image above is the "localhost" shortcut. If you do not know what your IP address is or how to check it see the [[Other:Visual3DServer:Documentation:Visual3DServer_Troubleshooting#Finding_your_ServerIP_Address|Trouble Shooting]] section. The Client also allows for the "localhost" or shortcuts to be used. These shortcuts tell the Client that the data is being streamed from the same computer as the Client is being run on. ==== Systems ==== {{:SWBaderSystems.png}} The Systems section provides a list of the hardware systems that are connected to the computer connected to in the Connections Section above. The Available text box has a list of all the hardware systems that are available. The forward and backwards arrows between the Available and Selected boxes are to allow you to move systems between the two boxes. The Selected box has a list of hardware systems on the computer that you are connected to that are streaming data to the Client. On the far right are the Up and Down buttons which move the placement of the hardware systems in the Selected box. The hardware system at the top of the list of systems in the Selected box is the system that the Client will go to first when it looks for data. The Client will then work its way down the list to look for data. ==== Pipeline Script ==== {{:SWBaderPipelineScript.png}} The Pipeline Script Section holds the pipeline that is used to calculate the graphs on the right from the raw data delivered by Visual3DServer. On the top left is the file path to the pipeline file that you are using. To the right of that is the Browse button that is used to select the pipeline that the Client is to run. The Hide button allows the user to minimize the Pipeline Script Section when they do not wish to see the details. The Hide button becomes the Show button once the Pipeline Script Section is hidden. The Clear button to the far right allows the user to remove whichever pipelines are loaded. The text field at the bottom contains the complete pipeline as it is seen in the .v3s file that was loaded. The pipeline may be edited in the text field however this is not recommended and changes will not be saved. ==== Link Model ==== {{:SWBaderLinkModel.png}} The Link Model Section holds the model description that is used to help calculate the graphs on the right from the raw data delivered by Visual3DServer. It tells the Client how the various data point make up a whole body part. On the top left is the file path to the .xml Link Model file that you are using. To the right of that is the Browse button that is used to select the link model file that the Client is to run. The Hide button allows the user to minimize the Link Model Section when they do not wish to see the details. The Hide button becomes the Show button once the Link Model Section is hidden. The Clear button to the far right allows the user to remove whichever link model is loaded. The text field at the bottom contains the complete link model as it is seen in the .xml file that was loaded. The link model may be edited in the text field however this is not recommended and changes will not be saved. ===== Output ===== ==== Results ==== {{:SWBaderResults1.png}} The Results section has the output which describes graphically the data that it is receiving from Visual3DServer. The top most text box which reads "Looking for right toe off . . ." in the example tells the user what data the Client is searching for from Visual3DServer. On the second row to the left is minimum window and minimum force boxes. In the example the minimum window is set at 100 frames and the minimum force is set at 100.00 Newtons. This means that any force lower than 100.00 Newtons will be considered to be noise and not used in calculations. It also means that the threshold needs to pass 100 Newtons for at least 100 frames if it is to be considered a valid force structure. To the right are the On Left Foot and On Right Foot buttons. These allow for you to correct the Client in case it misidentifies which of the feet is left and which is right. Which ever foot is in contact with the force platforms when the On Left Foot button is pushed will be labeled as the left foot. The reverse is true for the On Right Foot button. On the third line are three radio buttons labeled "Plot left foot," "Plot right foot" and "Plot both feet." The data presented on the graph will depend on which of these is selected. This allows you to have the data presented for either a single foot or for both feet. {{:SWBaderResults2.png}} The graph in the center is a real time representation of the data coming in, it will continue to redraw as long as information is continually provided. Bellow the graph and to the left is the Thread Sleep box. In the example above it is set at 5 ms. The thread sleep may be set at any value between 1 and 1000 ms. The thread sleep is how long the Client waits before requesting new data from Visual3DServer. The data movement is most efficient when the thread sleep on the Client and the thread sleep on the Visual3DServer plugin are the same. At the bottom right of the screen are four boxes with the acronyms CON, SYS, PLS and LKM. CON refers to the Connection section on the left and whether the IP address has allowed you to connect to a valid data source. SYS refers to the Systems section and whether you have a specific hardware system connected with data available. PLS refers to the Pipeline Script section and whether there is a Pipeline Script loaded. LKM refers to the Link Model section and whether there is a Link Model loaded. Their background will either be red or green. Red indicates that there is no connection or data entered; green indicates that there is a connection or that data is entered.