====== Load Library Dialog ====== {{ :sift_load_library_dialog.png}} The Load Library Dialog is typically the first interaction users will have upon open Sift and interacting with the [[Sift:Application:Load_Page|Load Page]]. The Load Library Dialog allows users to specify which folder on their computer the data files should be drawn from. Remember, Sift loads in all CMZ workspaces in sub-folders as well. * **Library Path**: The path to the base folder or directory containing all the CMZ files to be loaded. * {{:sift_browser.png?25}}**Browse**: Open up a browser to navigate to and select a **Library Path**. * **Library Query**: an expression used to refine the files loaded into the library, by specifying specific tags. * **Subject Tags**: Set the active subject tag for multi-subject data. * {{:sift_clear.png?25}}**Unload**: Remove all currently loaded CMZs. * {{:sift_reload_lib.png?25}}**Load**: Load the library with the specified parameters.