====== Query Builder Dialog ====== The Query Builder is used to define the queries that will extract signals from the loaded CMZ library. The dialog also allows you to group specific signals together based on a number of possible features, e.g. right/left or intact/affected. {{:sift_query_builder_whole.png}}\\ * **Auto-Populate Queries**: Opens the Auto Populate Query Dialog. * {{:sift_remove_query.png?30x30}}**Remove All Queries**: Delete all generated queries. * {{:sift_load_queries.png?30x30}}**Load Query Definitions**: Load a previously saved list of definitions. * {{:sift_save.png?30x30}}**Save Query Definitions**: Save the current list of definitions for later use. * **Calculate Selected Queries**: Calculate only the queries that are currently selected in the Queries Box. * **Calculate All Queries**: Calculate all generated queries. ===== Manual Query Definition ===== Manual query definition allows users to exactly specify which signals and metrics they want to pull out of the loaded library by creating conditions for each definition of signals. ---- ==== Signals ==== {{ :sift_manual_queries.png}}\\ **Query Name**: The title displayed for the defined query **Condition Name**: The title of the condition to be added to the query **Type**: The type of signal used for the query definition. **Folder**: The folder the signal is found in. **Signal Name**: The name of the signal used for the definition. **Component**: The dimensional component of the signal (if applicable) **Negate Signal**: If checked the defined signal will be negated ---- ==== Events ==== {{ :sift_query_builder_events.png}} **All Events Boxs**: A list of all events defined in the library **Event Sequence**: All events selected for the queries sequence of events**Excluded Events**: All events to be excluded for the query **>**: Move the selected event into the Event Sequence or Excluded Events widgets **<**: Move the selected event out of the Event Sequence or Excluded Events widgets **Up**: Move the selected event one space up in the Event Sequence or Excluded Events widgets **Down**: Move the selected event one space down in the Event Sequence of Excluded Events widgets **Number of Points**: The number of points to which traces will be time normalized. If 0 is chosen then the queried traces will NOT be time normalized. **Spline Type**: Choose between a Cubic or Linear spline. ---- ==== Refinement ==== {{ :sift_query_builder_manual_refinement.png}} **Refine using tag**: If checked query will be refined using the selected tags **Use AND Logic**: If checked only signals with ALL selected tags will be used, if not checked signals with ANY of the selected tags will be used. **Refine using signal**: If checked refine the query using the created signals. {{:sift_action_add.png?30x30}}**Add**: Opens the [[#Signal_Refinement_Dialog|signal refinement dialog]]. **Tags(multi select)**: A list of all tags defined in the library. **Refinements**: A list of all generated refinements. **Negate selected signals**: If checked selected signals will be negated, it will refine the query to signals WITHOUT the selected tag ---- === Signal Refinement Dialog === {{ :sift_query_builder_refinement_generater.png}} **Refinement Name**: The title displayed for the created refinement. **Type**: The Type of signal used for the refinement. **Folder**: The location of the signal used for the refinement **Name**: The name of the signal used for the refinement. **Component**: The specific dimensional component of the signal used for the refinement (if applicable). **Value Must Be**: The expression used to refine options e.g. Less Than, Greater Than, Between. **Value**: The value the signal will be compared to. {{:sift_cancel.png?30x30}}**Cancel**: Close the Refinement Builder without applying any changes. {{:sift_apply.png?30x30}}**Save**: Close the Refinement Builder and save the generated refinement to the signals list. ---- ===== Auto Populate Queries ===== The Auto Populate Queries button opens up a dialog that will allow you to customize the signals the auto generated query will pull from. {{ :sift_query_builder_auto_builder.png}} {{:sift_browser.png?30x30}}**Auto-populate Settings File**: This can be used to load in auto-population settings that have been previously saved. {{:sift_save.png?30x30}}**Save**: Will save the current auto-population settings for later use. {{:sift_reset.png?30x30}}**Reset**: Will reset the Auto-Populate Queries dialog to its default state. {{:sift_apply.png?30x30}}**Create**: Will auto generate queries based on the parameters provided. ---- ==== Signals ==== The signals tab is used to specify what signals to use when creating a query.< {{ :sift_query_builder_signals.png}} **Signal Type**: Refers to the type of signal being queried e.g. LINK_MODEL_BASED, DERIVED, METRIC etc. **Signal Folder**: The folder the queried signals can be found in e.g ORIGINAL, PROCESSED etc. **Signal Names**: All the signals found of the given type in the specified folder. ---- ==== Combine Sides ==== Provides options for combining signals together based on, side, tags etc. {{:sift_query_builder_combine_sides.png}} ---- ==== Refinements ==== The refinements tab allows you to refine the queries generated based on tags or even specific signal values. {{ :sift_query_builder_refinements.png}} **Tags**: The Tag multi-selector selects which tags to be included in the query. **Signals**: This will display and allow you to edit any generated signal conditions. **Add Signal**: Opens the signal refinement dialog. ---- ===== Queries and Conditions Widgets ===== All generated queries and their associated conditions are displayed in the Queries and Conditions widget. {{ :sift_query_builder_quey_condition_box.png}} {{:sift_action_add.png?30x30}}**Add Query / Condition**: Adds a new query or condition. {{:sift_modify.png?30x30}}**Modify Query / Condition**: Modify the currently selected query or condition. **Context Menu (Queries)**: Right click on a query to open the context menu. {{:sift_modify.png?30x30}}**Edit** Modify the selected query {{:sift_action_remove.png?30x30}}**Remove** Delete the selected queries. **Duplicate**: Create a copy of the selected query. **Reflect**: Create an inverted copy of the selected condition e.g. if selecting right ankle angle x, the copy will be left ankle angle x. **Context Menu (Conditions)**: Right click on a condition to open the context menu. **Calculate**: Calculate the currently selected queries. {{:sift_modify.png?30x30}}**Edit** Modify the selected query {{:sift_action_remove.png?30x30}}**Remove** Delete the selected queries. **Duplicate**: Create a copy of the selected query.