====== Run V3D Engine Dialog ====== The Run V3D Engine Dialog can be accessed through the {{:sift_run_v3d.png}} button on the [[Sift:Application:Toolbar|toolbar]]. Through this dialog, users gain direct access to the Visual3D engine where they can upload pipeline scripts to the Sift interface. Pipeline scripts are written as a series of commands to be performed. More on pipeline scripts and commands can be found [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:General_Information:Pipeline_Commands_Reference|here]]. Scripts that are uploaded to the Sift Run V3D Engine will be run against all CMZ workspaces that are in the loaded library. ==== Run V3D Engine Dialog ==== {{:RunV3DEngineDlg.png}} Users can upload pipeline scripts by selected 'Add Script', and similarly, scripts can be removed by highlighting specific .v3s file and selected "Remove Script". Selecting "Cancel" will close the dialog, and selected Run Scripts will run the pipeline commands in the listed scripts in the order that they appear in the dialog. To change the order of the scripts, use the up and down arrows to the right of the dialog. An example script for the file "Hip_Knee_Ankle_ROM": For_Each /Iteration_Parameter_Name=Plane !/ITERATION_PARAMETER_COUNT_NAME= /Items= X+Y+Z ; Evaluate_Expression /EXPRESSION=METRIC::KINEMATIC::ANKLE_MAX::&::Plane&-METRIC::KINEMATIC::ANKLE_MIN::&::Plane ! /SIGNAL_TYPES= ! /SIGNAL_FOLDER=ORIGINAL ! /SIGNAL_NAMES= ! /SIGNAL_COMPONENTS=ALL /RESULT_TYPES=METRIC ! /RESULT_FOLDERS=PROCESSED /RESULT_NAME=ANKLE_&::Plane&_ROM ! /APPLY_AS_SUFFIX_TO_SIGNAL_NAME=FALSE ; Evaluate_Expression /EXPRESSION=METRIC::KINEMATIC::KNEE_MAX::&::Plane&-METRIC::KINEMATIC::KNEE_MIN::&::Plane ! /SIGNAL_TYPES= ! /SIGNAL_FOLDER=ORIGINAL ! /SIGNAL_NAMES= ! /SIGNAL_COMPONENTS= /RESULT_TYPES=METRIC ! /RESULT_FOLDERS=PROCESSED /RESULT_NAME=KNEE_ROM_&::Plane& ! /APPLY_AS_SUFFIX_TO_SIGNAL_NAME=FALSE ; Evaluate_Expression /EXPRESSION=METRIC::KINEMATIC::HIP_MAX::&::Plane&-METRIC::KINEMATIC::HIP_MIN::&::Plane ! /SIGNAL_TYPES= ! /SIGNAL_FOLDER=ORIGINAL ! /SIGNAL_NAMES= ! /SIGNAL_COMPONENTS= /RESULT_TYPES=METRIC ! /RESULT_FOLDERS=PROCESSED /RESULT_NAME=HIP_ROM_&::plane& ! /APPLY_AS_SUFFIX_TO_SIGNAL_NAME=FALSE ; End_For_Each /Iteration_Parameter_Name=Plane ;