===== Sift Command Line =====
It is possible to run sift from the command line, this offers several advantages:
* With no need to update a GUI or plots the application will run much faster
* With experience it makes it possible to quickly execute commands
* Creating a bat file it is possible to completely automate processing
===== Running Sift From Command Line ======
To start sift in command line mode, open a command line console, navigate to sifts install directory and run sift with any argument that starts with a single dash (-) if you do not want to run any commands as Sift is launched you can instead pass **-NoGUI**
==== Command Line Overview ====
* Commands are prefixed with a dash these are considered a reserved character, but Sift will ignore any dashes that are within double quotes so file-name.txt will cause an error, where "file-name.txt" will not.
* Commands and parameters are case insensitive
* any parameters containing a space or a dash (e.g. a folder path) must be wrapped in double quotes ("")
* Command parameters are named not positional, so the order they are passed does not matter
* Some commands have a default parameter, in these cases the parameter name can be omitted, for example with -loadLib the directory parameter name is optional. so either of the following will work: -loadLib directory "folder path" or -loadLib "folder path". These parameters are marked as default in the list below
* Commands can be entered all at once in the same command that launches sift, or one at a time
* Enter the command **-Help** to get a list of all available commands
* Pass the parameter **Help** to any command to get a list and description of all of its parameters
* To exit pass the command **-Exit**, or press **Ctrl + C** to quickly exit at any time (Sift will exit once the current command finishes executing)
* Most commands have one or more aliases that will be accepted
===== Commands =====
All commands and their parameters are listed below
==== -LoadLib / -l ====
Load in a library of CMZs
=== Parameters ===
== Directory (Required/Default) ==
Path to the directory containing the CMZs to be loaded, all sub-directories will be searched as well.
=== Example ===
-LoadLib directory "C:\library folder"
==== -LoadQuery / -q ====
Load a saved query from a .q3d file
=== Parameters ===
== File (Required/Default) ==
The path to the .q3d file containing the query
=== Example ===
-LoadQuery file "C:\library folder\query.q3d"
==== -RunLOF / -lof ====
Run Local Outlier Factor
=== Parameters ===
== AutoExclude ==
If passed any outliers found will be excluded automatically
== Grouping ==
How should data be grouped before running? \\
* Combined Groups: All data points will be compared
* Groups: Data will be compared within groups
* Workspace: Data will be compared within workspaces
//Default:// Combined Groups
== ManualThreshold ==
The threshold to consider when searching for outliers \\
//Default:// 2.00
== NumNeighbors ==
How many neighbors should each point be compared to? \\
//Default:// 10
== numPasses ==
How many iterations of the test should be run \\
//Default:// 1
== NumPCs ==
How many principal components should the test be run on \\
//Default:// 2
== PCsVariance ==
Determine the number of PCs by variance explained (replaces NumPCs if used) \\
//Default:// 95.0
== ScaleToVariability ==
If passed scale all calculated values to the variability explained by the PC
=== Example ===
-RunLOF autoExclude manualThreshold "3" numNeighbors "20" numPasses "2" numPCs "2" scaleToVariability
==== -RunKMeans / -kmeans ====
Run K-Means clustering
=== Parameters ===
== Clusters ==
How many clusters to sort the data into \\
//Default:// 2
== CustomSeed ==
If provided use as a seed for the random first centroid (produces repeatable results)
== Grouping ==
How should data be grouped before running:
* Combined Groups: All data points will be compared
* Groups: Data will be compared within groups
* Workspaces: Data will be compared within workspaces
//Default:// Combined Groups
== Iterations ==
How many iterations of the test should be run \\
//Default:// 5
== NumPCs ==
The number of principal components to run the test on \\
== PCsVariance ==
Determine the number of principal components by variance explained (replaces NumPCs if used) \\
//Default:// 95.0
== ScaleToVariability ==
If passed scale all calculated values to the variability explained by the PC
=== Example ===
-RunKMeans clusters "3" customerSeed "0" grouping "combined groups" iterations "1" numPCs "2" scaleToVariability
==== -RunSPE / -spe ====
Run squared prediction error
== AlphaValue ==
The alpha threshold used to determine outliers: 0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01, 0.005 \\
//Default:// 0.05
== AutoExclude ==
If passed any outliers will be excluded automatically
== numPCs ==
The number of Principal Components to run the test on //
//Default:// 2
== PCsVariance ==
scale calculated values to variability explained //
//Default:// 95.0
=== Example ===
-RunSPE alphaValue "0.005" autoExclude numPCs "2"
==== -RunMah / -mah ====
Run a Mahalanobis distance test
=== Parameters ===
== AlphaValue ==
The threshold used to determine outliers: 0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01, 0.005 \\
//Default:// 0.05
== AutoExclude ==
If passed any outliers found will be excluded automatically
== Grouping ==
How should data be grouped before running:
* Combined Groups: All data points will be compared
* Groups: Data will be compared within groups
* Workspace: Data will be compared within workspaces
//Default:// Combined Groups
== NumPasses ==
How many iterations of the test should be run \\
//Default:// 1
== NumPCs ==
The number of principal components to run the test on \\
//Default:// 2
== PCsVariance ==
Determining the number of PCs by variance explained \\
//Default:// 95.0
== ScaleToVariance ==
If passed scale calculated values to variability explained
=== Example ===
-LoadMah alphaValue "0.1" autoExclude grouping "groups" numPasses "3" numPCs "2" scaleToVariance
==== -RegisterCurves / -rc ====
=== Parameters ===
== EventSequence ==
Register via events
== LocalMax ==
Use local maximum as a registration point
== LocalMaxLower ==
The lower bounds of the local max
== LocalMaxUpper ==
The upper bounds of the local max
== LocalMin ==
Use the local minimum as a registration point
== LocalMinLower ==
The lower bounds of the local min
== LocalMinUpper ==
The upper bounds of the local min
== Max ==
Register by maximum
== Min ==
Register by minimum
== Name ==
The name for registered curve group created
=== Example ===
-RegisterCurves max name "AnkleAngleX_Reg"
==== -CreateGLM / -glm ====
Create a General Linear Model
=== Parameters ===
== Grouping ==
The grouping used for the model: Workspace / Group \\
//Default:// Group
== Name (Required/Default) ==
The name of the GLM being created
=== Example ===
-CreateGLM name "New GLM" grouping "group"
==== -RunSPM / -spm ====
Run Statistical Parametric Mapping
=== Parameters ===
== GLM (Required) ==
The name of the GLM used when creating the SPM
== Group1 (Required) ==
The first grouping to compare
== Group2 (Required) ==
The second grouping to compare
== Name (Required) ==
The name of the SPM being created
=== Example ===
-RunSPM name "New SPM" glm "New GLM" group1 "AnkleAngleX1_Reg" group2 "AnkleAngleX2_Reg"
==== -RunDTW / -dtw ====
Run Dynamic Time Warping
=== Parameters ===
== Name (Required) ==
The name of the DTW test being run
== StandardDeviations ==
How many standard deviations to test for: 1-3 \\
//Default:// 1
=== Example ===
--RunDTW name "New DTW" standardDeviations "2"
==== -RunV3D / -s / -plpath ====
Execute one or more Visual3D pipeline scripts via the V3D Engine, currently this only works if a library has be loaded and a query run
=== Parameters ===
== Script (Required) ==
A path to a .v3s script file, this parameter can be used more than once to load multiple scripts, the scripts will be executed in the order the are passed
=== Example ===
-RunV3d script "C:\library folder\Script One.v3s" script "C:\library folder\Script Two.v3s"
==== -RunPCA / -pca ====
Run Principal Component Analysis on all queries
=== Parameters ===
== Name (Required/Default) ==
The name for the PCA to be created
== numPCs ==
How many principal components should be created \\
//Default:// 4
== WorkspaceMean ==
If passed PCA will be run on the mean of each workspace and not the individual traces
=== Example ===
-RunPCA name "New PCA" numPCs "3" workspaceMean
==== -ExportData / -ex ====
Export queried data results in an ascii text file
=== Parameter ===
== File (Required) ==
The path and name of the .txt file to export
== Precision ==
How many decimal places to display in exported values \\
//Default:// 4
== ExportFormat ==
The format of the exported ASCII file: Standard, SPSS, Transposed, P2D \\
//Default:// Standard
== NormalizedTo ==
Number of points to normalize the export data to \\
//Default:// 101
== GroupMean ==
If passed the group mean will be exported
== GroupStdDev ==
If passed the workspace standard deviation will be exported
== AllSequencesNorm ==
If passed all normalized sequences will be exported
== AllSequencesTime ==
If passed all time based sequences will be exported
=== Example ===
-ExportData file "C:\library folder\exports\Data Export.txt" precision "2" exportFormat "standard" normalizedTo "100" groupMean groupStdDev workspaceMean workspaceStdDev allSequenceNorm allSequencesTime
==== -ExportPCA ====
Export PCA results to a .txt file
=== Parameter ===
== File (Required) ==
The path and name of the .txt file to export
== Precision ==
How many decimal places to display in exported values \\
//Default:// 4
== ExportFormat ==
The format of the exported ASCII file: Standard, SPSS, Transposed, P2D \\
//Default:// Standard
== ExportFormat ==
The format of the exported ASCII file: Standard, Transposed, SPSS, P2D
== WorkspaceScores ==
If passed the workspace scores will be exported
== GroupScores ==
If passed the group scores will be exported
== GroupStdDev ==
If passed the group standard deviation will be exported
== VarianceExplained ==
If passed the variance explained by each PC will be exported
== EigenVectors ==
If passed all eigen vectors will be exported
== MeanSD ==
If passed the mean +/- one standard deviation will be exported
== Mean595 ==
If passed the mean +/- 5 and 95% will be exported
=== Example ===
-ExportPCA fileName "C:\library folder\exports\PCA Export.txt" precision "4" exportFormat "transposed" workspaceScores groupScores groupStdDev varianceExplained eigenVectors meanSD mean595
==== -ExportSummaryStatistics ====
Export summary statistics to a .txt file
=== Parameters ===
== File (Required) ==
The path and name of the .txt file to export
== Precision ==
How many decimal places to display in exported values \\
//Default:// 4
== ExportFormat ==
The format of the exported ASCII file: Standard, SPSS, Transposed, P2D \\
//Default:// Standard
== ExportFormat ==
The format of the exported ASCII file: Standard, Transposed, SPSS, P2D
== Max ==
If passed the maximum value will be exported
== MaxEventPoint ==
If passed the maximum event point will be exported
== MaxStdDev ==
If passed the maximum standard deviation will be exported
== Mean ==
If passed the mean value will be exported
== MeanStdDev ==
If passed the mean standard deviation will be exported
== Min ==
If passed the the minimum value will be exported
== MinEventPoint ==
If passed the minimum event point will be exported
== MinStdDev ==
If passed the minimum standard deviation will be exported
== NormalizeMetrics ==
Normalize exported metrics
== Results ==
Export results for: Groups, Workspaces, Instances
=== Example ===
-ExportSummaryStatistics file "C:\library folder\exports\Summary Statistics Export.txt" precision "2" exportFormat "SPSS" max maxEventPoint maxStdDev mean meanStdDev min minEventPoint minStdDev normalizeMetrics results "groups"
==== -ExportRegisteredCurves ====
Export any results of curve registration
=== Parameters ===
== File (Required) ==
The path and name of the .txt file to export
== Precision ==
How many decimal places to display in exported values \\
//Default:// 4
== ExportFormat ==
The format of the exported ASCII file: Standard, SPSS, Transposed, P2D \\
//Default:// Standard
== ExportFormat ==
The format of the exported ASCII file: Standard, Transposed, SPSS, P2D
== LandmarkAll ==
If passed all landmarks will be exported
== LandmarkMeans ==
If passed the mean of all landmarks will be exported
== RegisteredCurves ==
If passed registered curves will be exported
== WarpingFunctions ==
If passed warping functions will be exported
=== Example ===
-ExportRegisteredCurves file "C:\library folder\exports\Registered Curves Export.txt" precision "3" exportFormat "transposed" landmarkAll landmarkMeans registeredCurves warpingFunctions
==== -ExportDTW ====
Export Dynamic Time Warping results
=== Parameters ===
== File (Required) ==
The path and name of the .txt file to export
== Precision ==
How many decimal places to display in exported values \\
//Default:// 4
== ExportFormat ==
The format of the exported ASCII file: Standard, SPSS, Transposed, P2D \\
//Default:// Standard
== ExportFormat ==
The format of the exported ASCII file: Standard, Transposed, SPSS, P2D
== CostFunctions ==
If passed cost functions will be exported
== FoundAnomalies ==
If passed all anomalies will be exported
=== Example ===
-ExportDTW file "C:\library folder\exports\Dynamic Time Warping Export.txt" precision "3" exportFormat "transposed" foundAnomalies costFunctions
==== -ExportSPM ====
Export Statistical Parametric Mapping Results
=== Parameters ===
== File (Required) ==
The path and name of the .txt file to export
== Precision ==
How many decimal places to display in exported values \\
//Default:// 4
== ExportFormat ==
The format of the exported ASCII file: Standard, SPSS, Transposed, P2D \\
//Default:// Standard
== ExportFormat ==
The format of the exported ASCII file: Standard, Transposed, SPSS, P2D
== BMatrix ==
If passed the B Matrix used will be exported
== ResidualMatrix ==
If passed the Residual Matrix will be exported
== SPM ==
If passed the Statistical Parametric Map will be exported
=== Example ===
-ExportSPM file "C:\library folder\exports\Statistical Parametric Map Export.txt" precision "5" exportFormat "transposed" bMatrix residualMatrix spm
==== -SelectSignals / -sig ====
Select all or a selection of Signal groups and workspaces
=== Parameters ===
== Group ==
The name of a group to be selected, this parameter can be passed multiple times to select more than one group, if this parameter is not passed, all groups will be selected
== Workspace ==
The name of a workspace to be selected, this parameter can be passed multiple times to select more than one workspace, if this parameter is not passed, all workspaces will be selected
=== Example ===
-SelectSignals group "AnkleAngleX" group "AnkleAngleY" workspace "Sub004"
==== -SelectMetrics / -met ====
Select all or a selection of Metric groups and workspaces
=== Parameters ===
== Group ==
The name of a group to be selected, this parameter can be passed multiple times to select more than one group, if this parameter is not passed, all groups will be selected
== Workspace ==
The name of a workspace to be selected, this parameter can be passed multiple times to select more than one workspace, if this parameter is not passed, all groups will be selected
=== Example ===
-SelectMetrics group "MaxKneeAngleX" group "MinKneeAngleX" workspace "Sub001"
==== -SaveProject / -sv ====
Save the currently open project to an .i3d file
=== Parameters ===
== file (Required/Default) ==
The name and path of the .i3d file being saved
=== Example ===
-SaveProject file "C:/folder/file.i3d"
==== -LoadProject / -ld ====
Load the passed project file
=== Parameters ===
== file ==
The name and path of the .i3d file being loaded
=== Example ===
-LoadProject file "C:/folder/file.i3d"
==== -ClearProject / -clr ====
Clear all data from the current project, no parameters
=== Example ===