====== Load and View Data ====== This tutorial begins by assuming that you have a [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:File_Formats:CMZ_Format_|CMZ]] file for each subject.session from [[Visual3D:Visual3D_Overview|Visual3D]]. If necessary you can use our [[Sift:Tutorials:OpenBiomechanics_Project:Build_CMZ_Files|build CMZ feature]] or work through the Visual3D tutorial for [[Visual3D:Tutorials:Pipeline:Generic_Pipeline_to_Create_CMZ|building a CMZ file]]. ===== Data ===== This tutorial can be completed with any CMZ file. One possibility is a data set from a Visual3D Workshop at a recent ASB meeting: [[https://www.has-motion.com/download/examples/V3D_Workshop.zip|V3D Workshop @ ASB]]. ===== Load Library ===== {{ :sift_load_page.png?800}} To start, you need to tell Sift where to look for you data. After opening Sift: - Click the {{:sift_library_load.png?20}}**Load Library** on the toolbar or the top left of the [[Sift:Application:Load_Page|load page]]: - Click {{:sift_browser.png?20}}**Browse** to open a dialog that allows you to select a file path - Select the top level folder/root directory which contains the CMZ file NOTE: the CMZ file's associated CMX file must also be present for Sift to be able to load the library; - Click **Select Folder** - Click **Load** - One the library is loaded, you will be able to do initial exploration on the [[Sift:Application:Load_Page|Load page]]: - Verify which CMZ file have been loaded in the 3D Viewer, as well as which C3D files are associated with each CMZ; - Verify which file tags are present in the library; - If you have loaded [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:Multisubject|multisubject data]], verify which [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:Multisubject#Important_Terms|subject prefixes]] and [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:Multisubject#Important_Terms|subject tags]] are present in the library; and - Animate the data contained in any loaded C3D file. ===== Define queries and group signals ===== {{ :sift_query_builder_dialog.png?800}} Once you have loaded the library, navigate to the explore page, where you can automatically or manually define queries that will group the signals in your library. To do this: - Click on the {{:sift_query_builder.png?20}}**Query Builder Dialog...** button. - Either manually create group definitions by - Clicking the {{:sift_action_add.png?20}} addition button to name a new group and add it - While your new group is selected, click the {{:sift_action_add.png?20}} addition button to name and define a new condition - Repeat these steps until you have created all of your groups - OR click **Auto-Populate Queries** - Accept the default settings and click {{:sift_apply.png?20}}**Create** - Once you have created your query definitions: Click **Calculate All Queries** to apply the queries you have defined to the loaded library. - Close the Query Builder dialog. Note that if Sift has not finished computing all of the groups then it will ask you if you want to continue. Click **Compute Groups**. ===== Visualize your data ===== {{ :sift_explore_page.png?800}} Now that the signals in the library have been grouped, it is now possible to visually examine them and begin exploring your data in the [[Sift:Application:Explore_Page|explore page]]: - Select a particular group in the **Groups** of the explore page to determine what signals you would like to view - Selecting different explore pages' **Workspaces** widget determines which are displayed. Checking the **Select All Workspaces** box conveniently displays all of the workspaces associated with the selected group(s) - Set the plot type to **Signal-Time** and check the appropriate boxes to plot all sequences, workspace means/standard deviations, and group means/standard deviations - Click **Refresh Plot** ===== Interact with your data ===== You can highlight a trace by left-clicking on it. This causes the trace to become more visually prominent than non-highlighted traces and produces a tooltip that includes: * The trace's group name * The trace's workspace name * The name of the specific C3D file for that trace * The trace's frame range from that C3D file * The trace's sub-group name * The x- and y- values of the trace where you left-clicked it A trace can be excluded from the plot by: - left-clicking on the trace to highlight it; then - right-clicking and selecting **Exclude -> Exclude Trace(raw data)** from the context menu. You can confirm that the trace has been excluded in the **Workspaces** widget: excluded traces will be marked with a red X and workspaces containing excluded traces will have their check-mark icon replaced with an X. ===== Save the application workspace ===== Click {{:sift_save.png?20}} **Save Workspace As** to save the work you've done so far. This saves the application workspace as and .i3d file, which is an XML file. NOTE: if you have excluded data then you CMZ files are out of sync with you Sift workspace at this point. This eans that if you re-queried the loaded library, you would need to exclude that traces again. To avoid this, click the {{:sift_update_cmz.png?20}} **Update CMZ files** icon on the toolbar to update you CMZ files at any point.