====== Tutorial Files ====== Sift's tutorials use real data sets wherever possible in order to demonstrate realistic scenarios and avoid overly simplistic examples. ==== Contents ==== * [[#Load_and_View_Data|1 Load and View Data]] * [[#Clean_your_Data|2 Clean your Data]] * [[#Perform_Principal_Component_Analysis|3 Perform Principal Component Analysis]] * [[#Export_Results|4 Export Results]] * [[#Treadmill_Walking_in_Healthy_Individuals|5 Treadmill Walking in Healthy Individuals]] ==== Load and View Data ==== This tutorial can be completed with any [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:File_Formats:CMZ_Format_|CMZ]] file. You can use a data set from a Visual3D Workshop at a recent ASB meeting. [[[https://www.has-motion.com/download/examples/V3D_Workshop.zip|V3D Workshop @ ASB]]]. ==== Clean your Data ==== This tutorial uses overground walking data from four subjects. The subjects walked at three different speeds; slow, normal and fast. [[[https://www.has-motion.com/download/examples/FourSubjectsWalkingData.zip|Four Subjects Walking Data Set]]]. ==== Perform Principal Component Analysis ==== This tutorial uses overground walking data from roughly 100 subjects divided into two conditions: normal control and osteoarthritis (moderate to severe). This data set can be found in the Demo folder of your Sift installation. ==== Export Results ==== This tutorial uses the same overground walking data set as the [[#Clean_Data|Clean your Data]] tutorial. [[[https://www.has-motion.com/download/examples/FourSubjectsWalkingData.zip|Four Subjects Walking Data Set]]]. It also uses predefined queries that have been saved in a .q3d file. [[[https://www.has-motion.com/download/examples/AnkleAngles.q3d|AnkleAngles.q3d]]]. ==== Treadmill Walking in Healthy Individuals ==== This tutorial explores Fukuchi et al.'s "gold standard" public data set of marker-based motion capture to describe [[https://peerj.com/articles/4640/|healthy individuals walking overground and on a treadmill]]. The dataset is available through Figshare: [[[https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/A_public_data_set_of_overground_and_treadmill_walking_kinematics_and_kinetics_of_healthy_individuals/5722711|Data Set]]]. Supporting files are provided to simplify some of the tutorial's steps: [[[https://www.has-motion.com/download/examples/Inspect3D/I3D_Tutorial_Treadmill_Walking.zip|Supporting Files]]].