====== DATA NOT FOUND ====== **DATA_NOT_FOUND** is a text string that represents data that does not exist. For example, a TARGET that has a reliability of -1 does not exist, and is set internally to DATA_NOT_FOUND Under many conditions a signal may have a value that cannot be interpreted mathematically. One example is a TARGET that is occluded in a frame (e.g. a reliability of -1) ==== NO_DATA ==== NO_DATA is a text string used in Visual3D commands to represent DATA_NOT_FOUND ==== NO DATA ==== Some users may inadvertently omit the underscore, as does the wiki presentation. ==== NaN ==== NaN is a text string used by Matlab to indicate **Not a Number** **DATA_NOT_FOUND** is not equivalent to **NaN** in Matlab because Visual3D will process a signal that contains DATA_NOT_FOUND entries.