====== Multisubject ====== \\ The multi-subject option allows users to easily work with datasets that include more than one subject in a dynamic trial. For example, two people sparring or dancing within the capture volume. It's expected that subject prefixes are used in the C3D files. For example, a target is named "S001:LMK" where "S001:" is the subject prefix and "LMK" is the target name (note: most camera manufacturers already support this option). For the static trial, the multiple subjects can be in the same C3D file, or in multiple static C3D files. **NOTES:** * If only collecting data with one subject in the volume, nothing about your processing procedure should change and you should not export C3D files with subject prefixes from your camera manufacturer. * If you had a subject in one static trial, and a bench in another static trial. The two static trials can be associated and the segments in both trials will be created in the dynamic trials. [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:Multistatic|If you are collecting data for one subject with multiple static trials, go here for more information]]. * This documentations refers mostly using the multi-subject workspace with two subjects, however, you can use as many subjects as you would like. ==== Model Tab ==== |ALL_SUBJECTS, NO_SUBJECT, subject prefixes\\ \\ * ALL_SUBJECTS\\ * Allows you to view all segments with subject prefixes\\ * NO_SUBJECT\\ * Allows you to view all segments not associated with a subject prefix (ex. LAB)\\ * Subject prefixes\\ * Allows you to view all segments associated with that subject prefix | {{:multisb.png}}| ==== Important Terms ==== |**Subject Prefix**: In the C3D file, there is a parameter to specify the subject prefix.\\ \\ * This should be specified by your motion capture system.\\ * The subject prefixes can be different from C3D file to C3D file | {{:C3DSubjectPrefixes.png}}| |**Subject Tag**: A subject tag associates a generic name to a subject prefix.\\ \\ * Model -> Add/Modify Subject Tags\\ * Can be set using Select_Active_File | {{:SubjectTags.png}}| ==== Pipeline ==== The first step to writing a pipeline is to assign a subject tag to a subject prefix using the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Model_Commands:Set_Subject_Tag|Set_Subject_Tag]] command. This is important since a subject prefix can be different for each data collection (ex. "S001:", "S002:"). The subject tag should be something general (ex. "Pitcher", "Catcher"). Once the subject tags have been defined, you can use the subject tags the same as you would a file tag using the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:File_Commands:Select_Active_File#Subject_Tags|Select Active File]] command. As with single subject files, the resulting pipeline commands will work on the active subject tags that were specified in the Select Active File command === Important Pipeline Commands === Pipeline commands that are specifically important for multi-subject data or have been modified for this new feature include: * [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Model_Commands:Set_Subject_Tag|Set_Subject_Tag]]: Sets subject tags for specific files * [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:File_Commands:Select_Active_File#Subject_Tags|Select_Active_File#Subject_Tags]]: Use subject tags to precisely specify your active files * [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:File_Commands:Modify_C3D_Subjects_Parameters|Modify_C3D_Subjects_Parameters]]: Modify the parameters in the SUBJECTS group in the c3d file ==== Examples ==== === Building Multi-subject Models === Load video YouTube YouTube might collect personal data. [[https://www.youtube.com/howyoutubeworks/user-settings/privacy/|Privacy Policy]] Continue Dismiss Building a model template is the same for two subjects as it is for one subject. Create one model template for each marker set. You can apply and append model templates to different subjects. \\ === Computing Model-Based Items for Multi-Subject Data === Load video YouTube YouTube might collect personal data. [[https://www.youtube.com/howyoutubeworks/user-settings/privacy/|Privacy Policy]] Continue Dismiss \\ The compute model-based command works the same for multiple subjects as it always has for single subjects, but now also allows the customer to use [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:Subject_Tags|Subject_Tags]] to identify when signals should be calculated for every subject in the model, between subjects, etc.\\ \\ Note: Segment A and Segment B tag refer to the Segment tag, or Reference Segment or Resolution Coordinate System.\\ \\ **Case 1:**\\ Signal created for all subjects. Ex. RKneeAngle\\ Subject tag: ALL_SUBJECTS\\ Segment A Tag: ALL_SUBJECTS\\ Segment B Tag: ALL_SUBJECTS\\ \\ **Case 2:**\\ Signal created for all subjects relative to a segment that is only created in NO_SUBECT (ex. subject's foot relative to generic segment BOX).\\ Subject tag: ALL_SUBJECTS\\ Segment A Tag: ALL_SUBJECTS\\ Segment B Tag: NO_SUBJECT\\ \\ **Case 3:**\\ Signal created for one subject between segments that exist in that subject.\\ Subject tag: SUBJECT_TAG_NAME\\ Segment A Tag: SUBJECT_TAG_NAME\\ Segment B Tag: SUBJECT_TAG_NAME\\ \\ **Case 4:**\\ Signal created for one subject relative to another subject.\\ Subject tag: SUBJECT_TAG_NAME\\ Segment A Tag: SUBJECT_TAG_NAME\\ Segment B Tag: DIFFERENT_SUBJECT_TAG_NAME\\ \\