====== Inertia Overview ====== ===== Purpose ===== The Inertia program was created for two purposes. The first is to provide the user with access to a data base of subject or patient metrics. The second is to allow the easy calculation of anthropologic measures. Inertia allows the user to enter 45 different anthropologic measures. The program then uses this entered data in order to calculate metrics for the various body parts. ===== Components ===== Inertia allows the user to input the following types of subject metrics: * Height * Width * Torso Lengths * Torso Perimeters * Torso Widths * Arm Lengths * Arm Perimeters * Leg Lengths * Leg Perimeters * Foot Perimeters Inertia calculates the following types of metrics: * Head Metrics * Trunk Metrics * Upper Arm Metrics * Forearm Metrics * Hand Metrics * Thigh Metrics * Calf Metrics * Foot Metrics * Rearfoot Metrics * Forefoot Metrics ===== Acknowledgement ===== The Inertia program was created with assistance from Professor Fred Yeadon from Loughborough University.