====== Exporting six degree of freedom data ====== === Exporting 6 DOF Data === Exporting 6 degree of freedom data to an ASCII format as either an \\ **ORIGIN and QUATERNION**\\ **OR**\\ **ORIGIN and 3x3 ROTATION MATRIX** === Exported File Format === Visual3D loads 6 degree of freedom from ASCII data files with the following formats. == Rotation Matrix Based == | |filename |filename |filename |filename |filename |filename |filename |filename |filename |filename |filename |filename |filename | | |TIME |ORIGIN |ORIGIN |ORIGIN |ROTATION |ROTATION |ROTATION |ROTATION |ROTATION |ROTATION |ROTATION |ROTATION |ROTATION | | |FRAME_NUMBERS|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED| | |ORIGINAL |BODY1 |BODY1 |BODY1 |BODY1 |BODY1 |BODY1 |BODY1 |BODY1 |BODY1 |BODY1 |BODY1 |BODY1 | |ITEM|0 |X |Y |Z |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 | |1 |0.0 |0.564162 |0.002198 |0.086599 |0.648289 |-0.680243 |-0.342039 |0.259806 |-0.224631 |0.939171 |-0.715696 |-0.697719 |0.031104 | |2 |0.032 |0.569361 |0.004844 |0.081942 |0.712005 |-0.652892 |-0.258418 |0.255689 |-0.101686 |0.961396 |-0.653967 |-0.750593 |0.094538 | \\ The Origin is at the Proximal End of the Segment \\ The Rotation matrix is represented as | |||0|1|2||| |[R]=|||3|4|5||| | |||6|7|8||| == Quaternion Based == | |filename |filename |filename |filename |filename |filename |filename |filename | | |TIME |ORIGIN |ORIGIN |ORIGIN |QUATERNION |QUATERNION |QUATERNION |QUATERNION | | |FRAME_NUMBERS|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED|LINK_MODEL_BASED| | |ORIGINAL |BODY1 |BODY1 |BODY1 |BODY1 |BODY1 |BODY1 |BODY1 | |ITEM|0 |X |Y |Z |0 |1 |2 |3 | |1 |0.0 |0.9782 |0.5654 |-1.0257 |0.298 |-0.6755 |0.2496 |-0.6264 | |2 |0.032 |0.9782 |0.5654 |-1.0257 |0.298 |-0.6755 |0.2496 |-0.6264 | \\ The file format is column based. Additional rigid bodies can be added as new columns with the same format. === Example 1 === Exporting the position and orientation of segment RFT as an ORIGIN and Quaternion \\ **Export_Data_To_Ascii_File** ! /FILE_NAME= /SIGNAL_TYPES=FRAME_NUMBERS+LINK_MODEL_BASED+LINK_MODEL_BASED /SIGNAL_NAMES=TIME+ORIGIN+QUATERNION /SIGNAL_FOLDER=ORIGINAL+RFT+RFT ! /START_LABEL= ! /END_LABEL= ! /USE_POINT_RATE=FALSE ! /NORMALIZE_DATA=FALSE ! /NORMALIZE_POINTS=101 ! /EXPORT_MEAN_AND_STD_DEV=FALSE ! /USE_P2D_FORMAT=FALSE **;** \\ Exporting the position and orientation of segment RFT as an ORIGIN and Rotation \\ **Export_Data_To_Ascii_File** ! /FILE_NAME= /SIGNAL_TYPES=FRAME_NUMBERS+LINK_MODEL_BASED+LINK_MODEL_BASED /SIGNAL_NAMES=TIME+ORIGIN+ROTATION /SIGNAL_FOLDER=ORIGINAL+RFT+RFT ! /START_LABEL= ! /END_LABEL= ! /USE_POINT_RATE=FALSE ! /NORMALIZE_DATA=FALSE ! /NORMALIZE_POINTS=101 ! /EXPORT_MEAN_AND_STD_DEV=FALSE ! /USE_P2D_FORMAT=FALSE **;** === Example 2 === Open the text file that was just created. Select File -> Open. Select the viewer for .txt files. Select "aurora.txt". {{:MergeAuroraFiles4.gif}} The file will be loaded into memory. The Aurora file contains position and rotation data for a rigid body. It will appear in Visual3D as LINKMODEL_BASED items containing the ORIGIN (3 components) QUATERNION (4 components). {{:MergeAuroraFiles5.gif}} Visual3D typically works with motion capture markers, so to maximize your ability to work with this data, you can create a set of 3 targets per rigid body using the following command. **Create_Targets_For_LinkModelBased_Rotations** /SIGNAL_FOLDERS=Port_01+Port_02+Port_03+Port_04 **;** Targets for each rigid body should appear in the data tree. It is possible to save this data to a C3D formatted file, but the LINK MODEL data (e.g. the ORIGINAL Translation and Quaternion will be lost, so it is recommended that you save this data to a cmo file. {{:MergeAuroraFiles7.gif}} If you need a static trial for modeling the data, you can save the first frame of data to a c3d file. {{:MergeAuroraFiles8.gif}}