====== Example - Functional Hip ====== \\ \\ [[https://www.has-motion.com/download/FunctionalJoints.zip|Sample files]] for this tutorial may be downloaded.\\ 1) This tutorial will use the **Static.c3d** and **Functional Hip.c3d** files.\\ 2) The Functional Knee.c3d file is used for the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Functional_Joints:Example_-_Functional_Knee|Functional Knee Tutorial]].\\ 3) FunctionalJoints_Hip_Knee.cmo contains a static trial with both the functional hip and knee defined.\\ \\ **The calculation of functional joints is described [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Functional_Joints:Functional_Joints|here]].\\ **\\ ===== Load Static Trial ===== |1. From the **Model** menu, select **Create -> Hybrid Model from C3D file.**\\ \\ 2. A dialog titled **Select the calibration file for the new model** will appear;\\ \\ \\ Select //Static.c3d// Click **Open.** | {{:CreateStatic.jpg}}| ===== Create Functional Joint ===== |1. On the **Landmarks** tab:\\ \\ 1. Select the **Functional** tab | {{:FunctionalTab.jpg}}| ==== Create Right Functional Joint ==== |1. On the **Landmarks** tab:\\ \\ 1. Select the **Functional** tab\\ \\ 2. From the **Functional Joint Name** box, select //F_RHIP.//\\ \\ 3. Click **Create.** | {{:Create_F_RHIP.jpg}}| |2. **Select tracking targets for the F_RHIP:**\\ \\ |   **Tracking Segment/Targets**\\    Select **Use Tracking Targets** (ctrl-click to multi select)\\      //LASI//, //LPSI//, //RASI//, //RPSI//\\ \\ \\    **Other Segment/Targets:**\\    Select **Use Other Targets** (ctrl-click to multi select)\\      //RTHI1//, //RTHI2//, //RTHI3//, //RTHI4//\\ ||\\ \\ Click on **Close Tab** before proceeding. | {{:Define_F_RHIP.jpg}}| ==== Create Left Functional Joint ==== |1. On the **Landmarks** tab:\\ \\ 1. Select the **Functional** tab\\ \\ 2. From the **Functional Joint Name** box, select //F_LHIP.//\\ \\ 3. Click **Create.** | {{:Create_F_LHIP.jpg}}| |2. **Select tracking targets for the F_LHIP:**\\ \\ |   **Tracking Segment/Targets**\\    Select **Use Tracking Targets** (ctrl-click to multi select)\\      //LASI//, //LPSI//, //RASI//, //RPSI//\\ \\ \\    **Other Segment/Targets:**\\    Select **Use Other Targets** (ctrl-click to multi select)\\      //LTHI1//, //LTHI2//, //LTHI3//, //LTHI4//\\ ||\\ \\ Click on **Close Tab** before proceeding. | {{:Define_F_LHIP.jpg}}| ===== Model Builder Advanced Post Processing ===== |1. Select the **Post Processing** button from the menu (image below)\\ {{:ModelBuilderAdvancedPostProcessing_Button.jpg}}\\ \\ 2. Select the **Functional Joints** tab from the dialog box (image on right)\\ | {{:ModelBuilderAdvancedPostProcessing.jpg}}| |3. **Open functional movement file:**\\ \\ 1. Select the **Add Motion File From Disk**\\ \\ 2. **Browse** to functional movement file, select //Functional Hip.c3d//\\ \\ 3. Click **Open**\\ \\ 4. **Select** the motion file by clicking on the trial, this will highlight the trial in **blue**.\\ \\ \\ | {{:MBAPP_SelectMotionFile.jpg}}| \\ **NOTE:** Once the trial has been selected, the name of the trial will be highlighted and the movement file will appear in 3D viewer.\\ \\ ==== Define F_RHIP Start and End of motion ==== |1. Select the **START** frame of the right functional movement\\ \\ 1. **Select F_RHIP**, this will highlight the joint in **blue**\\ \\ 2. Using the **slider** (seen below), select the START frame of the right functional movement. //Set the Start Frame to 399//\\ \\ {{:MBAPP_F_RHIP_START_slider.jpg}}\\ \\ \\ 3. Click **Set START Event to Current Frame**\\ \\ \\ | {{:MBAPP_F_RHIP_START.jpg}}| \\ |2. Select the **END** frame of the right functional movement\\ \\ 1. **Select F_RHIP**, this will highlight the joint in **blue**\\ \\ 2. Using the **slider** (seen below), select the END frame of the right functional movement. //Set the End Frame to 1183//\\ \\ {{:MBAPP_F_RHIP_END_slider.jpg}}\\ \\ \\ 3. Click **Set END Event to Current Frame**\\ \\ \\ | {{:MBAPP_F_RHIP_END.jpg}}| ==== Define F_LHIP Start and End of motion ==== |1. Select the **START** frame of the left functional movement\\ \\ 1. **Select F_LHIP**, this will highlight the joint in **blue**\\ \\ 2. Using the **slider**, select the START frame of the left functional movement. //Set the Start Frame to 1760//\\ \\ 3. Click **Set START Event to Current Frame**\\ \\ \\ | {{:MBAPP_F_LHIP_START.jpg}}| |2. Select the **END** frame of the left functional movement\\ \\ 1. **Select F_LHIP**, this will highlight the joint in **blue**\\ \\ 2. Using the **slider**, select the END frame of the left functional movement. //Set the End Frame to 2653//\\ \\ 3. Click **Set END Event to Current Frame**\\ \\ \\ | {{:MBAPP_F_LHIP_END.jpg}}| ===== Compute Landmarks ===== |1. Select **Compute ALL Landmarks**\\ 2. **Close** the Model Builder Advanced Post Processing dialog box\\ 3. The **F_RHIP and F_LHIP** landmarks should appear in purple in the 3D viewer\\ \\ \\ **If the landmarks do NOT appear in the 3D viewer, check:**\\ - That the landmarks are turned on (3D View Options)\\ - Check that all steps in this tutorial were completed\\ | {{:F_RHIP_F_LHIP.jpg}}|