====== Create Digitizing Landmarks ====== In Model Builder mode switch to the Landmarks Property page, select the Digitizing Tab. If you have not created a model template containing the pointer landmarks, you can create the landmarks interactively. If you already have a landmarks template file, you can select **Load Points From File.** ==== Select Default Landmark Name ==== The combo box contains a list of default digitizing landmark definitions, but the user is free to simply type into the combo box and set custom properties. In this case D_RHIP_LATERAL refers to a **D**igitizing landmark for the **R**ight **Hip Lateral** Surface. {{:CreateRHIPlandmark.jpg}} ==== Select Custom Landmark Name ==== To create a custom name, simply type the name into the ComboBox and select create. ==== Select Tracking Markers ==== Select create and the following list box appears: {{:RHIPLandmarkTracking.jpg}} Select the 3 tracking markers associated with this landmark. ==== Audio Prompt ==== Select the button and browse for the audio file. There is no default folder for the audio files. ==== Add additional landmarks ==== You can continue to add landmarks to the listbox {{:DigitizedLandmarksListbox.jpg}} Note that these landmarks have been stored in the file landmarks.vdp which can be loaded by selecting the button **"Load Points From File"**