====== OptiTrack Biomech 57 Marker Set ====== ===== Introduction ===== This tutorial explains how to implement OptiTracks Biomech (57) full body marker set[[#cite_note-OptiTrack-1|[1]]]. This full body marker set includes the head, torso, upper and lower body, hands and feet. The naming convention used in this tutorial follows Serge Van Sint Jan's convention[[#cite_note-Serge-2|[2]]]. ===== Target Placement ===== {{:biomech57.png}}\\ **LAH/RAH**: Left/Right anterior head\\ **LPH/RPH**: Left/Right posterior head\\ **SJN (IJ)**: Deepest point of incisura jugularis\\ **SXS (PX)**: Xiphoid process, i.e. most caudal point of the sternum\\ **CV7 (C7)**: Spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebrae\\ **TV2 (T2)**: Second thoracic vertebrae\\ **TV7 (MAI)**: Midpoint between the inferior angles of the most caudal points of the two scapulae\\ **LHGT/RHGT**: Left/Right glenohumeral Joint\\ **LIAS/RIAS (LASIS/RASIS)**: Left/Right anterior superior iliac spine\\ **LIPS/RIPS (LPSIS/RPSIS)**: Left/Right posterior superior iliac spine\\ **LCAJ/RCAJ (LA/RA)**: Left/Right acromion\\ **LHLE/RHLE**: Left/Right humerus lateral epicondyle\\ **LHME/RHME**: Left/Right medial lateral epicondyle\\ **LUA/RUA: Left/Right upper arm\\ ** **LHM2/RHM**: Left/Right hand second metatarsal\\ **LUSP/RUSP**: Left/Right ulna styloid process\\ **LRSP/RRSP**: Left/Right radius styloid process\\ **LFTC/RFTC (LGT/RGT)**: Most lateral prominence of the greater trochanter\\ **LFLE/RFLE (LLE/RLE)**: Most lateral prominence of the lateral femoral epicondyle\\ **LFME/RFME (LME/RME)**: Most medial prominence of the medial femoral epicondyle\\ **LTH/FTH**: Left/Right thigh\\ **LSK/RSK**: Left/Right Superior knee\\ **LTTC/RTTC (TT/RTT)**: Most anterior border of the tibial tuberosity\\ **LFAX/RFAX (LHF/RHF)**: Proximal tip of the head of the fibula\\ **LFAL/RFAL (LLM/RLM)**: Lateral prominence of the lateral malleolus\\ **LTAM/RTAM (LMM/RMM)**: Most medial prominence of the medial malleolus\\ **LFM5/RFM5 (LVM/RVM)**: Dorsal margin of the fifth metatarsal head\\ **LFM1/RFM1 (LFM/RFM)**: Dorsal margin of the first metatarsal head\\ **LFM2/RFM2 (LSM/RSM)**: Dorsal aspect of the second metatarsal head\\ **LFCC/RFCC (LCA/RCA)**: Aspect of the achilles tendon insertion on the calcaneous\\ **LDP1/RDP1**: Left/Right distal phalanx\\ ===== Segment Definition ===== ==== Head Segment ==== === Head Landmarks === {{ :biomech57-head_prox.png?300}} **1. Create Head_Front:**\\ Click **Landmarks** button \\ Click **Add New Landmark** button\\ Create Landmark: //Head_Front//\\ ***Landmark Name:** //Head_Front//\\ ***Define Orientation Using:**\\ ***Starting Point:** //RAH//\\ ***Ending Point** //LAH//\\ *Offset Using the Following **AXIAL** Offset: //0.5//\\ ***Check:** //Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)//\\ ***Check:** //Calibration Only Landmark//\\ **2. Create HEAD_PROXIMAL:**\\ Click **Landmarks** button\\ Click **Add New Landmark** button\\ Create Landmark: //HEAD_PROXIMAL//\\ ***Landmark Name:** //HEAD_PROXIMAL//\\ ***Define Orientation Using:**\\ ***Existing Coordinate System:** //Thorax/Ab//\\ *Offset Using the Following **AXIAL** Offset: //1//\\ ***Check:** //Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)//\\ ***Check:** //Calibration Only Landmark//\\ {{ :biomech57-head_dist.png?300}} **3. Create HEAD_DISTAL:**\\ Click **Landmarks** button\\ Click **Add New Landmark** button\\ Create Landmark: //HEAD_DISTAL//\\ ***Landmark Name:** //HEAD_DISTAL//\\ ***Define Orientation Using:**\\ ***Starting Point:** //Thorax_Prox//\\ ***Ending Point** //Thorax_Dist//\\ ***Project From** //Head_Front//\\ ***Do NOT Check:** //Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)//\\ ***Do NOT Check:** //Calibration Only Landmark//\\ === Head Definition === **1. Create Head:**\\ In the **Segments** tab, select //Head// in the Segment Name box.\\ Click on the **Create Segment** button.\\ In the **Head** tab, enter these values:\\ ***Define Proximal Joint and Radius**:\\ ***Lateral:** //None// **Joint:** //HEAD_PROXIMAL// **Medial:** //None//\\ ***Radius:** //0.5*DISTANCE(RAH,LAH)//\\ ***Define Distal Joint and Radius**:\\ ***Lateral:** //none// **Joint:** //HEAD_DISTAL// **Medial:** //none//\\ ***Radius:** //0.5*DISTANCE(RPH,LPH)//\\ ***Extra Target to Define Orientation:** //Posterior, Head_Front//\\ ***Select Tracking Targets:** //LAH//, //LPH//, //RAH//, //RPH//\\ Click on **Build Model.**\\ Click on **Close Tab** before proceeding.\\ **2. Modify the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System#Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System|Segment Coordinate System]]:**\\ Define the Segment Orientation as:\\ ***A/P Axis:** //+Y//\\ ***Distal to Proximal:** //-Z//\\ ==== Thorax Segment ==== === Thorax Landmarks === {{ :biomech57-thoraxAP.png?300}}{{ :Thorax_Dist.png?300}} **1. Create Thorax_Dist:**\\ Click **Landmarks** button\\ Click **Add New Landmark** button\\ Create Landmark: //Thorax_Dist//\\ ***Landmark Name:** //Thorax_Dist//\\ ***Define Orientation Using:**\\ ***Starting Point:** //SXS//\\ ***Ending Point** //TV7//\\ *Offset Using the Following **AXIAL** Offset: //0.5//\\ ***Check:** //Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)//\\ ***Check:** //Calibration Only Landmark//\\ **2. Create Thorax_Prox:**\\ Click **Landmarks** button\\ Click **Add New Landmark** button\\ Create Landmark: //Thorax_Prox//\\ ***Landmark Name:** //Thorax_Prox//\\ ***Define Orientation Using:**\\ ***Starting Point:** //SJN//\\ ***Ending Point** //CV7//\\ *Offset Using the Following **AXIAL** Offset: //0.5//\\ ***Check:** //Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)//\\ ***Check:** //Calibration Only Landmark//\\ {{ :biomech57-thorax.png?300}}{{ :biomech57-thoraxAPnew.png?300}} **3. Create Thorax_AP:**\\ Click **Landmarks** button\\ Click **Add New Landmark** button\\ Create Landmark: //Thorax_AP//\\ ***Landmark Name:** //Thorax_AP//\\ ***Define Orientation Using:**\\ ***Starting Point:** //SJN//\\ ***Ending Point** //SXS//\\ *Offset Using the Following **AXIAL** Offset: //0.5//\\ ***Check:** //Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)//\\ ***Check:** //Calibration Only Landmark//\\ === Thorax Definition === **1. Create Thorax/Ab:**\\ In the **Segments** tab, select //Thorax/Ab// in the Segment Name box.\\ Click on the **Create Segment** button.\\ In the **Thorax/Ab** tab, enter these values:\\ ***Define Proximal Joint and Radius**\\ ***Lateral:** //None// **Joint:** //Thorax_Dist// **Medial:** //None//\\ ***Radius:** //0.5*DISTANCE(RCAJ,LCAJ)//\\ ***Define Distal Joint and Radius**\\ ***Lateral:** //none// **Joint:** //Thorax_Prox// **Medial:** //none//\\ ***Radius:** //0.5*DISTANCE(RCAJ,LCAJ)//\\ ***Extra Target to Define Orientation:** //Posterior, Thorax_AP//\\ ***Select Tracking Targets:** //CV7//, //SJN//, //SXS//, //TV7//\\ ***Depth:** //0.5*DISTANCE(CV7,SJN)//\\ Click on **Build Model.**\\ Click on **Close Tab** before proceeding.\\ **2. Modify the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System#Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System|Segment Coordinate System]]:**\\ Define the Segment Orientation as:\\ ***A/P Axis:** //+Y//\\ ***Distal to Proximal:** //-Z//\\ ==== Upper Arm Segment ==== === Upper Arm Landmarks === {{ :biomech57-LSJC.png?300}} **1. Create LSJC Joint Center:**\\ Click **Landmarks** button\\ Click **Add New Landmark** button\\ Create Landmark: //LSJC//\\ ***Landmark Name:** //LSJC//\\ ***Define Orientation Using:**\\ ***Starting Point:** //LCAJ//\\ ***Existing Coordinate System:** //Thorax/Ab//\\ *Offset Using the Following **AXIAL** Offset: //-(LShoulderRadius+MarkerRadius)//\\ ***Do NOT Check:** //Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)//\\ ***Check:** //Calibration Only Landmark//\\ === Upper Arm Definition === {{ :biomech57-forearm.png?300}} **1. Create Left Forearm:**\\ In the **Segments** tab, select //Left Upper Arm// in the Segment Name box.\\ Click on the **Create Segment** button.\\ In the **Upper arm** tab, enter these values:\\ ***Define Proximal Joint and Radius**\\ ***Lateral:** //None//  **Joint:** //LSJC//  **Medial:** //None//\\ ***Radius:** //LShoulderRadius//\\ ***Define Distal Joint and Radius**\\ ***Lateral:** //LHLE//   **Joint:** //None//   **Medial:** //LHME//\\ ***Select Tracking Targets:** //LHLE//, //LHME//, //LUA//,\\ *Click on **Build Model.**\\ *Click on **Close Tab** before proceeding.\\ **2. Modify the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System#Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System|Segment Coordinate System]]:**\\ Define the Segment Orientation as:\\ ***A/P Axis:** //+Y//\\ ***Distal to Proximal:** //+Z//\\ ==== Forearm Segment ==== === Forearm Landmarks === {{ :biomech57-LT_ELBOW.png?300}} **1. Create LT_ELBOW Joint Center:**\\ Click **Landmarks** button\\ Click **Add New Landmark** button\\ Create Landmark: //LT_ELBOW//\\ ***Landmark Name:** //LT_ELBOW//\\ ***Define Orientation Using:**\\ ***Existing Coordinate System:** //Left Upper Arm//\\ *Offset Using the Following **AXIAL** Offset: //-1.0//\\ ***Check:** //Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)//\\ ***Do NOT Check:** //Calibration Only Landmark//\\ === Forearm Definition === {{ :biomech57-forearm.png?300}} **1. Create Left Forearm:**\\ In the **Segments** tab, select //Left Forearm// in the Segment Name box.\\ Click on the **Create Segment** button.\\ In the **Left Forearm** tab, enter these values:\\ ***Define Proximal Joint and Radius**\\ ***Lateral:** //None//  **Joint:** //LT_ELBOW//  **Medial:** //None//\\ ***Radius:** //0.0548641//\\ ***Define Distal Joint and Radius**\\ ***Lateral:** //LRSP//   **Joint:** //None//   **Medial:** //LUSP//\\ ***Select Tracking Targets:**\\  //Use Calibration Targets for Tracking//\\ Click on **Build Model.**\\ Click on **Close Tab** before proceeding.\\ **2. Modify the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System#Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System|Segment Coordinate System]]:**\\ Define the Segment Orientation as:\\ ***A/P Axis:** //+Y//\\ ***Distal to Proximal:** //+Z//\\ ==== Hand Segment ==== === Hand Landmarks === {{ :biomech57-LHJC.png?275}}{{ :biomech57-LWJC.png?275}} **1. Create LWJC Joint Center**\\ Click **Landmarks** button\\ Click **Add New Landmark** button\\ Create Landmark: //LWJC//\\ ***Landmark Name:** //RANK//\\  ***Define Orientation Using:**\\ ***Starting Point:** //LRSP// **Ending Point:** //LUSP//\\ *Offset Using the Following ML/AP/AXIAL Offsets:\\ ***X: 0.0 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.5**\\ **Check:** Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)\\ **Do NOT Check**: Calibration Only Landmark\\ **2. Create LHJC Joint Center**\\ Click **Landmarks** button\\ Click **Add New Landmark** button\\ Create Landmark: //LHJC//\\ ***Landmark Name:** //RANK//\\ ***Define Orientation Using:**\\ ***Starting Point:** //LT_ELBOW//\\ ***Ending Point:** //LWJC//\\ ***Project From:** //LHM2//\\ *Offset Using the Following ML/AP/AXIAL Offsets:\\ ***X: 0.0 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.0**\\ ***Do NOT Check:** Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)\\ ***Check**: Calibration Only Landmark\\ {{ :biomech57-Hand.png?300}} === Hand Definition === **1. Create Left Hand:**\\ In the **Segments** tab, select //Left Hand// in the Segment Name box.\\ Click on the **Create Segment** button.\\ In the **Left Hand** tab, enter these values:\\ ***Define Proximal Joint and Radius**\\ ***Lateral:** //None//   **Joint:** //LWJC//  **Medial:** //None//\\ ***Radius:** //LWristRadius//\\ ***Define Distal Joint and Radius**\\ ***Lateral:** //none//  **Joint:** //LHJC//  **Medial:** //none//\\ ***Select Tracking Targets:**\\  //LHM2//, //LRSP//, //LUSP//\\ Click on **Build Model.**\\ Click on **Close Tab** before proceeding.\\ **2. Modify the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System#Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System|Segment Coordinate System]]:**\\ Define the Segment Orientation as:\\ ***A/P Axis:** //+Y//\\ ***Distal to Proximal:** //+Z//\\ ==== Pelvis Segment ==== === Pelvis Definition === {{ :biomech57-pelvis.png?300}} **1. Create Pelvis Segment:**\\ In the **Segments** tab, select //Pelvis// in the Segment Name box.\\ In **Segment Type**, select //V3D_Composite//\\ Click on the **Create Segment** button.\\ In the **Pelvis** dialog:\\ ***Define Calibration Targets**\\ ***R.ASIS:** //RIAS//  **L.ASIS:** //LIAS//  **R.PSIS:** //RIPS//  **L.PSIS:** //LIPS//\\ ***Check Use Calibration Targets for Tracking**\\ Click on **Build Model.**\\ Click on **Close Tab** before proceeding.\\ **2. Modify the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System#Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System|Segment Coordinate System]]:**\\ Define the Segment Orientation as:\\ ***A/P Axis:** //+Y//\\     ***Distal to Proximal:** //+Z//\\ ==== Thigh Segment ==== === Thigh Landmarks === {{ :biomech57-lefthip.png?300}} **1. Create LEFT_HIP Joint Center:**\\ Click **Landmarks** button\\ Click **Add New Landmark** button\\ Create Landmark: //LEFT_HIP//\\ ***Landmark Name:** //LEFT_HIP//\\ ***Define Orientation Using:**\\ ***Existing Coordinate System** //Pelvis//\\ *Landmark Offset from Start Point or Segment Origin\\ ***ML:** -0.36*ASIS_Distance*RPV_ML_Direction\\ ***AP:** 0.19*SASIS_Distance*RPV_AP_Direction+0.5*:RPV_Depth - Target_Radius_ASIS\\ ***AXIAL:** -0.30*ASIS_Distance*RPV_Axial_Direction\\ ***Do NOT Check:** //Offset by Percent (1.0 = 100%)//\\ ***Do NOT Check:** //Calibration Only Landmark//\\ {{ :biomech57-thigh.png?300}} === Thigh Definition === **1. Create Left Thigh:**\\ In the **Segments** tab, select //Left Thigh// in the Segment Name box.\\ Click on the **Create Segment** button.\\ In the **Left Thigh** tab, enter these values:\\ ***Define Proximal Joint and Radius**\\  **Lateral:** //None//  **Joint:** //LEFT_HIP//  **Medial:** //None//\\ ***Radius:** //0.5*DISTANCE(RIGHT_HIP,LEFT_HIP)//\\ ***Define Distal Joint and Radius**\\ ***Lateral:** //LFLE//  **Joint:** //None//  **Medial:** //LFME//\\ ***Select Tracking Targets:** //LEFT_HIP//, //LFLE//, //LFME//, //LFTC//, //LTH//\\ Click on **Build Model.**\\ Click on **Close Tab** before proceeding.\\ **2. Modify the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System#Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System|Segment Coordinate System]]:**\\ Define the Segment Orientation as:\\ ***A/P Axis:** //+Y//\\ ***Distal to Proximal:** //+Z//\\ ==== Shank Segment ==== === Shank Definition === {{ :biomech57-shank.png?300}} **1. Create Left Shank:**\\ In the **Segments** tab, select //Left Shank// in the Segment Name box.\\ Click on the **Create Segment** button.\\ In the **Left Shank** tab, enter these values:\\ ***Define Proximal Joint and Radius**\\ ***Lateral:** //LFLE//  **Joint:** //none//  **Medial:** //LFME//\\ ***Define Distal Joint and Radius**\\ ***Lateral:** //LFAL//  **Joint:** //None//  **Medial:** //LTAM// \\ ***Select Tracking Targets:** //LFAL//, //LFAX//, //LTAM//, //LTTC//\\ Click on **Build Model.**\\ Click on **Close Tab** before proceeding. **2. Modify the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System#Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System|Segment Coordinate System]]:**\\ Define the Segment Orientation as:\\ ***A/P Axis:** //+Y//\\ ***Distal to Proximal:** //+Z//\\ ==== Foot Segment ==== === Foot Definition === **1. Create Left Foot:**\\ In the **Segments** tab, select //Left Foot// in the Segment Name box.\\ Click on the **Create Segment** button.\\ In the **Left Foot** tab, enter these values:\\ ***Define Proximal Joint and Radius**\\ ***Lateral:** //LFAL//  **Joint:** //none//  **Medial:** //LTAM//\\ ***Define Distal Joint and Radius**\\ ***Lateral:** //LFM5//  **Joint:** //None//  **Medial:** //LFM1//\\   ***Select Tracking Targets:** //LDP1//, //LFCC//, //LFM1//, //LFM2//, //LFM5//\\ Click on **Build Model.**\\ Click on **Close Tab** before proceeding.\\ **2. Modify the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System#Modify_Segment_Coordinate_System|Segment Coordinate System]]:**\\ Define the Segment Orientation as:\\ ***A/P Axis:** //+Y//\\ ***Distal to Proximal:** //+Z//\\ ===== References ===== - [[#cite_ref-OptiTrack_1-0|↑]] OptiTrack Biomech(57) https://docs.optitrack.com/movement-sciences/movement-sciences-markersets/biomech-57 - [[#cite_ref-Serge_2-0|↑]] Serge van Sint Jan "Color Atlas of Skeletal Landmark Definitions: Guidelines for Reproducible Manual and Virtual Palpations" 2007 - Churchill Livingstone