====== Config Folder ====== The default location of the config folder can be changed in the **Visual3D Program Options** dialog box.\\ \\ The config folder should contain three .ini files:\\ 1) **custom_text.ini** - used to define the displayed temporal distance measure names within the report template\\ 2) **segment_names.ini** - used to define displayed segment names ([[Visual3D:Documentation:Modeling:Segments:Segment_Default_Names|Default Segment Names]])\\ 3) **V3DEventNames.ini** - used to define displayed event names\\ \\ \\ |1. Open the Visual3D Program Options dialog by going to **Edit -> Preferences** from the drop down menu.\\ | {{:EditPreferences2.jpg}} | \\ |2. Click the **"..."** button next to **Configuration Folder** and browse to the config folder.\\ | {{:V3DProgramOptions_DefaultFolder_Config.jpg}} | \\ |3. **Close** Visual3D and re-open the program. The location of the default configuration folder location will be saved. | |