====== Create CODA pelvis relative to anatomical landmarks ====== Create CODA pelvis relative to anatomical landmarks. The segment coordinate system for the CODA pelvis is the mid-point between the ASIS markers. The anatomical landmarks are actually posterior to the ASIS markers because the motion capture system tracks the center of the marker. This is a modest error, but it can be corrected by creating landmarks that are posterior to the ASIS markers by the radius of the motion capture marker. === Step 1. Confirm the subject metric containing the marker radius. === If the metric doesn't exist, create a new metric. Switch to **Subject Data/Metrics** TAB. {{:SegmentExample4_1.png}}\\ Select **Add New Item** and enter in the name **Marker_Radius** and the value. {{:SegmentExample4_2.png}}\\ In this example, the marker has a diameter of 1.2 cm. Visual3D uses MKS units, so the value is 0.006 meters. **Note:** If the radius is not consistent with your marker radius, modify the value. === Step 2. Create landmarks for the ASIS markers === {{:SegmentExample4_4.png}}\\ **Note:** the ML Edit box contains the expression **-MARKER_RADIUS** {{:SegmentExample4_5.png}}\\ **Note:** the ML Edit box contains the expression **-MARKER_RADIUS** === Step 3. Create a CODA Pelvis === {{:SegmentExample4_6.png}}\\ In this example, the locations defining the segment coordinate system for the pelvis are the landmarks **RT_ASIS** and **LT_ASIS**, and the marker **SACR** located at the midpoint of the PSIS markers. The tracking markers are **RASI**, **LASI**, and **SACR**. {{:SegmentExample4_7.png}}\\