====== Event Explicit ======
The Event_Explicit command will place an Event Label at an explicit frame number, or at the nearest frame to a specified time. You can specify either a Frame or a Time but not both.
The command can be edited in a text editor or in a dialog form. To edit in the dialog pop up form either click on the **Edit** button in the pipeline workshop or double-click on the pipeline command. The dialog is shown below.
=== Example: Specify an event based on a metric ===
Here are two examples of creating explicit events based on metrics for frames and time.
This example will place an event at the frame metric TEST_FRAME
/Event_Name= TEST
! /Time=
This example will place an event at the time metric TEST_TIME
/Event_Name= TEST
=== Example: Create events at the start and end of the trial: ===
/Event_Name= START
/Frame= 1
[[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:EOF_(End_of_File)|EOF]] is now recognized as the last frame in the file, and the minus sign can be used.
/Event_Name= END
/Frame= EOF
=== Example: Create an event 10 frames before the end of the trial: ===
[[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:EOF_(End_of_File)|EOF]] is now recognized as the last frame in the file, and the minus sign can be used.
/Event_Name= TEST
/Frame= EOF - 10
=== Example: Create an event at multiple frames ===
Introduced in Version 6
/Event_Name= TEST
/Frame= LIST(1,5,10)
This command will create three instances of the EVENT_LABEL TEST at frames 1, 5, and 10
=== Example: Create an event at one second intervals ===
! Determine the number of ranges
! For some files this might be 1 too many but it won't matter.
! execute a For_Each loop