====== Event Global Minimum ====== \\ **Specify an Event Label(s) at the Global Minimum of a signal.** **The result will be one minimum value over the range.** **If the local minima are needed, see the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Event_Commands:Event_Minimum|Event_Minimum]] command\\ **\\ To review the difference between local and global minimum values please see [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:General_Information:Global_vs_Loca_Max_and_Min|here]]. ===== Version 6 ===== The **Event_Global_Minimum** command may be used to place an event at the Global minimum value of a signal. If Threshold has a value or expression only global minimum less than threshold will be identified. {{:Event_Global_Minimum_v6.png}} \\ ===== Version 5 ===== Place an event at the global minimum of a signal. |\\ Event_Global_Minimum\\ /RESULT_EVENT_NAME=\\ ! /SIGNAL_TYPES=\\ ! /SIGNAL_NAMES=\\ ! /SIGNAL_FOLDER=ORIGINAL\\ ! /SIGNAL_COMPONENTS=\\ ! /FRAME_OFFSET=0\\ ! /TIME_OFFSET=\\ ! /EVENT_SEQUENCE=\\ ! /EXCLUDE_EVENTS=\\ ! /EVENT_SEQUENCE_INSTANCE=0\\ ! /EVENT_SUBSEQUENCE=\\ ! /SUBSEQUENCE_EXCLUDE_EVENTS=\\ ! /EVENT_SUBSEQUENCE_INSTANCE=0\\ ! /EVENT_INSTANCE=0\\ ! /SELECT_X=\\ ! /SELECT_Y=\\ ! /SELECT_Z=\\ ! /SELECT_RESIDUAL=\\ ! /START_AT_EVENT=\\ ! /END_AT_EVENT=\\ ;\\ | {{:Event_Global_Minimum.jpg}}| ---- ===== Examples ===== This command may be used to create an event, **RKFlex_Min**, at the GLOBAL minimum value of a signal.\\ 1) The minimum value of the signal may be over the entire signal\\ 2) The minimum value of the signal may be during an event sequence\\ 3) A specific event sequence may be excluded\\ \\ Create an event RKFlex_Min at the minimum knee flexion angle during the gait cycle. The gait cycle is indicated by the RHS events.\\ **NOTE:** If no events are specified in the Event Sequence, a global minimum over the whole trial will be created.\\ \\ One event will be created during each gait cycle.\\ Event_Minimum command may be used to create multiple minimum events during an event sequence.\\ === Example - Dialog Box === To create the RKFlex_Min event using the Event_Global_Minimum dialog box: \\ |**1. Enter information into dialog box:**\\ \\ **Event_Name:** RKFlex_Min\\ \\ **Select Frame Offset:**0\\ \\ **Signal Components:**X\\ \\ **Select an event sequence and Instance for the range:**\\ \\ **Event Sequence Instance:**0\\ \\ **Defined Events:**RHS + RHS\\ \\ Click **OK** | {{:Event_Global_Min_RKFlex_Min.jpg}}| \\ |**2. Select desired signal:**\\ \\ Select **signal from data tree** Right_Knee_Angle\\ \\ Click **Import Selected Signals** | {{:Event_Global_Min_RKFlex_Min_Import.jpg}}| \\ **RKFlex_Min** will be created at the global minimum value during the gait cycle.\\ \\ Other options within the command such as **Exclude Event**, and **Select Subsequence** are explained in detail on the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Event_Commands:Event_Global_Maximum#Examples|Event_Global_Maximum]] page. \\ ---- ===== Version 4 ===== Specify an Event Label(s) at the Global Minimum of a signal. |\\ \\ \\ \\ Event_Global_Minimum\\ /Signal_Types= The type of signal to be evaluated\\ /Signal_Names= The names of the signals to be evaluated\\ /Signal_Folder= The name of the signal folder\\ /Event_Name= The name to be given to the threshold event\\ /Select_X= (True or False)Use this component of the signal\\ /Select_Y= (True or False)Use this component of the signal\\ /Select_Z= (True or False)Use this component of the signal\\ /Radius= The range of frames of data that must be below the minimum\\ /Start_At_Event= The search begins from the start event\\ /End_At_Event= The search ends at the end event\\ ;\\ | Dialog that pops up when pipeline selection is edited by double clicking with the left mouse button.\\ {{:Eventglobalminmaxdlg.gif}} |