====== Event Threshold ====== **Place an event label at the frame where a signal crosses a specified value. The event is created at the frame satisfying the criteria.** **This is a complicated command because there are so many options.** ==== Command Syntax ==== Event_Threshold /RESULT_EVENT_NAME= The name to be given to the threshold event ! /Signal_Types= The type of signal to be evaluated ! /SIGNAL_NAMES= The name of the signal to be evaluated ! /Signal_Folder= The name of the signal folder ! /SIGNAL_COMPONENTS= Use these components of the signal (May also be modified using Select_X, Select_Y, Select_Z parameters) ! /FRAME_OFFSET= The frame offset from the threshold crossing where the event label is to be placed ! /TIME_OFFSET= The time offset from the threshold crossing where the event label is to be placed ! /EVENT_SEQUENCE= A sequence of events to perform the command within (for example: RHS+RHS) ! /EXCLUDE_EVENTS= An that falls within an EVENT_SEQUENCE event may be specified to exclude a sequence from the calculations ! /EVENT_SEQUENCE_INSTANCE= Instance of event sequence ! /EVENT_SUBSEQUENCE=A subsequence of events to perform the command within (for example: LTO+LHS) ! /SUBSEQUENCE_EXCLUDE_EVENTS=An event that falls within an EVENT_SUBSEQUENCE may be specified to exclude a subsequence from the calculations ! /EVENT_SUBSEQUENCE_INSTANCE= Instance of event subsequence ! /EVENT_INSTANCE= There may be several instances of an event crossing satisfying the criteria. A value of 0 results in all crossing being assigned a label. A positive number indicates the event (in sequence) to select. A negative number indicates the event starting from the last event and progressing to the first event. ! /SELECT_X= (True or False)Use this component of the signal ! /SELECT_Y= (True or False)Use this component of the signal ! /SELECT_Z= (True or False)Use this component of the signal ! /SELECT_RESIDUAL= (True or False) Use this component of the signal ! /START_AT_EVENT= The search begins from the start event ! /END_AT_EVENT= The search ends at the end event ! /THRESHOLD= The value after which the event label is to be placed ! /ON_ASCENT= (True or False) Determine the threshold when the signal is passing up through the threshold ! /ON_DESCENT= (True or False) Determine the threshold when the signal is passing down through the threshold ! /Frame_Window= The range of frames of data that must satisfy the threshold crossing. Used by the "Ensure" variable ! /ENSURE_FRAMES_BEFORE= (True or False)Radius frames of data before crossing must lie on the same side of the threshold ! /ENSURE_FRAMES_AFTER= (True or False)Radius frames of data after crossing must lie on the same side of the threshold {{:EventThresholdDialog_v5.jpg}}| ==== THRESHOLD Parameter ==== The Threshold parameter can be: **a number** **a PROCESSED METRIC** **an expression** For example: **a number**\\ /Threshold= 1 **a PROCESSED METRIC**\\ If a METRIC value is stored in the PROCESSED folder, the Event_Threshold command will recognize and use the signal based only on the signal name.\\ Given a METRIC signal named THRESH stored in the PROCESSED folder, you can specify the parameter as:\\ /Threshold= THRESH **an expression**\\ It is also possible to use expressions, but when using expressions you must use the full signal name. Given a METRIC signals THRESH that is stored in a folder labeled TEST\\ /Threshold= METRIC::TEST::THRESH But you can also elaborate this expression, such as\\ /Threshold= 1.0 + 0.2 * METRIC::TEST::THRESH ==== Example ==== **Create events using the Event_Threshold command**: **FP3_Y and FP3_Y_ENSURE** The event **FP3_Y_ENSURE** will use the Ensure Window After option on the dialog box. **Make sure to:**\\ 1) Import the SIGNAL_TYPE/FOLDER or enter these parameters manually into the text editor\\ 2) Only one signal component may be specified at a time\\ 3) Select label on Ascent/Descent - if neither are selected no events will be created\\ Event_Threshold /RESULT_EVENT_NAME= FP3_Y /SIGNAL_TYPES= FORCE /SIGNAL_NAMES= FP3 ! /SIGNAL_FOLDER= ORIGINAL /SIGNAL_COMPONENTS= Y ! /FRAME_OFFSET= 0 ! /TIME_OFFSET= ! /EVENT_SEQUENCE= ! /EXCLUDE_EVENTS= ! /EVENT_SEQUENCE_INSTANCE= 0 ! /EVENT_SUBSEQUENCE= ! /SUBSEQUENCE_EXCLUDE_EVENTS= ! /EVENT_SUBSEQUENCE_INSTANCE= 0 ! /EVENT_INSTANCE= 0 ! /SELECT_X= ! /SELECT_Y= ! /SELECT_Z= ! /SELECT_RESIDUAL= ! /START_AT_EVENT= ! /END_AT_EVENT= /THRESHOLD= 0.05 /ON_ASCENT= TRUE /ON_DESCENT= FALSE /FRAME_WINDOW= 25 /ENSURE_FRAMES_BEFORE= FALSE /ENSURE_FRAMES_AFTER= FALSE ; {{:EventThreshold_FP3_Y.jpg}}| Event_Threshold /RESULT_EVENT_NAME= FP3_Y_ENSURE /SIGNAL_TYPES= FORCE /SIGNAL_NAMES= FP3 ! /SIGNAL_FOLDER= ORIGINAL /SIGNAL_COMPONENTS= Y ! /FRAME_OFFSET= 0 ! /TIME_OFFSET= ! /EVENT_SEQUENCE= ! /EXCLUDE_EVENTS= ! /EVENT_SEQUENCE_INSTANCE= 0 ! /EVENT_SUBSEQUENCE= ! /SUBSEQUENCE_EXCLUDE_EVENTS= ! /EVENT_SUBSEQUENCE_INSTANCE= 0 ! /EVENT_INSTANCE= 0 ! /SELECT_X= ! /SELECT_Y= ! /SELECT_Z= ! /SELECT_RESIDUAL= ! /START_AT_EVENT= ! /END_AT_EVENT= /THRESHOLD= 0.05 /ON_ASCENT= TRUE /ON_DESCENT= FALSE /FRAME_WINDOW= 25 /ENSURE_FRAMES_BEFORE= FALSE /ENSURE_FRAMES_AFTER= TRUE ; {{:EventThreshold_FP3_Y_Ensure.jpg}}| === Example - Result === Three events should be created: 2 Instances of **FP3_Y** -The FP3_Y signal crosses the threshold (0.05) two times during the trial 1 Instance of **FP3_Y_ENSURE** -The FP3_Y signal crosses the threshold (0.05) and stays above the threshold for the frame window (25) one time during the trial |{{:EventThreshold_FP3_Y_Ensure_Graph.jpg}} | ==== Visual3D Versions supporting Subject Prefixes ==== When defining events for subjects that use a prefix to define the data belonging to that subject, event labels will also have the prefix of the subject the events belong to. NOTE: When using events in a command, the commands will iterate across subjects contained in the current workspace. As such, events and sequences listed as command parameters should NOT contain a prefix. As each subject is processed, the event range/sequence specified will automatically use the specific events prefixed for each subject as they are processed.