====== Example - Identify Events at Local Max ====== The goal in this example is to identify Events at the local maximum values of the following signal, but only within a specified range. Consider the following signal: {{:Event13_1.jpg}} Switch to Signal and Events mode. ==== Create a START Event manually ==== {{:Event13_2.jpg}} ==== Create a STOP Event manually ==== {{:Event13_3.jpg}} ==== Compute All Maxima ==== Now modify the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Event_Commands:Event_Maximum|Event_Maximum]] pipeline command to compute all maxima of the x-component of the signal FCD within the range defined by the START event and END event. {{:Event13_4.jpg}} **[[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Event_Commands:Event_Maximum|Event_Maximum]]** /SIGNAL_TYPES=LINK_MODEL_BASED /SIGNAL_NAMES=FCD ! /SIGNAL_FOLDER=ORIGINAL /EVENT_NAME=MAX /SELECT_X=TRUE /SELECT_Y=FALSE ! /SELECT_Z=FALSE ! /FRAME_WINDOW=8 START_AT_EVENT=START /END_AT_EVENT=END /EVENT_INSTANCE=0 **;** Note that the [[Visual3D:Documentation:C3D_Signal_Types:EVENT_LABEL_Data_Type#Event_Instance|Event_Instance]]=0 means that all instances are identified in this range. ==== Result ==== {{:Event13_5.jpg}} ==== Report Graph Start to End ==== {{:Event13_6.jpg}} {{:Event13_7.jpg}} ==== Report Graph Max to Max ==== {{:Event13_8.jpg}} {{:Event13_9.jpg}}