===== Least Squares Fitting of Data =====
This page contains a list of all of [[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:expressions:expressions_overview|Evaluate_Expression]]'s functions that are used to find a line or plane of best fit to your data.
==== Best Fit Plane ====
**Best_Fit_Plane**(signal, start_event_signal, end_event_signal) - Finds a plane that fits the path of a point from a start event to an end event. [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plane_%28geometry%29#Point-normal_form_and_general_form_of_the_equation_of_a_plane|The resulting plane is defined by 4 components]].
The general form of the equation of a plane in 3D is ax+by+cz+d = 0 where π, π, and π are the components of the normal vector which is perpendicular to the plane or any vector parallel to the plane.
If (π₯0,π¦0,π§0)is a point that lies on the plane, then π=β(ππ₯0+ππ¦0+ππ§0) and as ππ₯+ππ¦+ππ§β(ππ₯0+ππ¦0+ππ§0)=0.
The result of the Best_Fit_Plane function is a signal with the fource components (a,b,c,d)
! Example: Compute a Best_Plane_Fit for one signal across a range of frames
! Example: Compute a Best_Plane_Fit for multiple signals at each frame of data
==== Best Fit Circle ====
**Best_Fit_Circle**(signal, start_event_signal, end_event_signal) - Fits a 2D circle to the path of a signal.
The algorithm computes a best fit plane to the data, rotates this plane into a principal plane, computes the center and radius, the rotates these values back into the original plane. The result is 4 components:
- the origin's X-coordinate;
- the origin's Y-coordinate;
- the origin's Z-coordinate; and
- the radius.
==== Best Fit Sphere ====
**Best_Fit_Sphere**(signal,start_event_signal,end_event_signal) - Fits a 3D sphere to the path of a signal.
! ExampleΒ : Fit a sphere to 6 points on a DIAMOND
! Create 6 TARGETS representing the Vertices
Note that TARGETS are created and the sphere computed has each TARGET on its surface.
! ExampleΒ : Create a TARGET where each frame is on a random location on the surface of a sphere of radius 1
==== Simple Linear Regression ====
**Simple_Linear_Regression**(signal1, signal2, start_event, end_event); - Fits a signal to a line given by the equation Y = mX + b where
Signal = m Signal1 + b
An explanation of the calculation can be found [[Visual3D:Documentation:Statistics:Compute_Linear_Regression|here]] or [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_linear_regression|here]].
Signal1 and Signal2 are both one-component signals and the resulting METRIC contains 6 components:
- Slope = m -> Component 1
- Intercept = b -> Component 2
- Siga = uncertainty in m -> Component 3
- Sigb = uncertainty in b -> Component 4
- Chi2 = chi square -> Component 5
- Q = The R^2 statistic -> Component 6