====== Assign Tags To File ====== Files can be associated with other files opened in the Visual3D workspace by assigning a TAG to the file. A file can have multiple TAGS associated with it. A TAG can have multiple files associated with it. For example, all files associated with trials in which the subjects walked barefoot can have a TAG labelled "Bare Foot" assigned to them. Those trials that are "Bare Foot" and are only women subjects could have another TAG labelled "Female" to that file. A graph in the report can then display only files with a certain TAG (including drawing the mean and standard deviation). Assign_Tags_To_Files ! /MOTION_FILE_NAMES= ! /QUERY= ! /TAGS= ; ==== Pop Up Dialog ==== If you leave all parameters blank, the tag selection dialog will appear. If you specify the tag name only: Assign_Tags_To_Files ! /MOTION_FILE_NAMES= ! /QUERY= /TAGS=WALK ; The tag selection dialog will appear with the tag parameter populated (so the user only has to specify which files should be associated with the tag. ==== Automatically Assign Tags ==== === Using Wildcards to Specify the File Name === Wildcards (*) can be used for the MOTION_FILE_NAMES. If you have named files consistently, you can use a common command to add tags: Assign_Tags_To_Files /Motion_File_Names=*walk*.c3d /Query= /Tags= WALK ; === Using the Query to Select Files === The Query is a standard Visual3D expression. Assign a TAG based on a Metric value when the mass of the subject is greater than 5 Kg: Assign_Tags_To_Files /Motion_File_Names=ALL_FILES /Query= METRIC::PROCESSED::MASS > 5 /Tags= WALK ; A query can be used to assign the tag **TC2** to All Files in the Workspace that have the C3D parameter group **Trial** containing a parameter **TC_NUM** that has the value 2: Assign_Tags_To_Files /MOTION_FILE_NAMES=ALL_FILES /QUERY=PARAMETERS::TRIAL::TC_NUM=2 /TAGS=TC2 ; A query could be extended to include both trials that have **TC_NUM=2** and **TC_NUM=3** using the Logical Or (|) Operator: Assign_Tags_To_Files /MOTION_FILE_NAMES=ALL_FILES /QUERY=(PARAMETERS::TRIAL::TC_NUM=2) | ( PARAMETERS::TRIAL::TC_NUM=3) /TAGS=TC23 ; \\ [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:General_Information:Pipeline_Commands_Reference|Back to Pipeline Commands Reference]]