====== Combine Tags ====== The command **Combine_Tags** uses boolean logic to combine TAGS into a new TAG. The following boolean operators are allowed: AND, OR, XOR, NAND, and NOR. The command **Combine_Tags** is as follows: **Combine_Tags** /ORIGINAL_TAGS= Names of tags to be combined /LOGICAL_OPERATORS= Logical operator to use AND, OR, etc /NEW_TAG= New tag name **;** For example, to set all files active that are either **TAG1** or **TAG2** (e.g. make both TAG1 and TAG2 files active) and assign a new tag **TAG12** to the files, use the following: Combine_Tags /ORIGINAL_TAGS= TAG1+TAG2 /LOGICAL_OPERATORS= OR /NEW_TAG= TAG12 ; Select_Active_File /FILE_NAME= TAG12 ; \\ [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:General_Information:Pipeline_Commands_Reference|Back to Pipeline Commands Reference]]