====== File Close ====== Close the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:Active_Files|Active Files]]. This is equivalent to the user interaction under the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:Active_Files#File_Close|file menu]]. Note that only the movement files can be active files, so you can only close movement files. File_Name can be ALL_FILES, a [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:Tag|TAG]], or a Filename(Wildcards are acceptable) File_Close /File_Name= ; **To close a model use: [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Model_Commands:Model_Commands_Overview#Model_Management|Close_Model_File]]** ==== File Close using Query Parameter ==== Visual3D Professional Users have an extra Parameter. **File_Close** /File_Name= /Query= **;** To accomplish Example_2 below: **File_Close** /File_Name=ALL_FILES /Query=Tag1 & NOT(Tag2) **;** ==== Example_1 ==== To close all movement trials containing the string "walk" **File_Close** /File_Name= *walk*.c3d **;** ==== Example_2 ==== To close the active files, you need to have an intermediate command. Select all files with Tag1 that do not also have Tag2, then close the active files. **[[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:File_Commands:Select_Active_File|Select_Active_File]]** /FILE_NAME=ALL_FILES QUERY=Tag1 & NOT(Tag2) **;** **[[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Pipeline_Commands:Set_Pipeline_Parameter_To_List_Of_Tagged_Files|Set_Pipeline_Parameter_To_List_Of_Tagged_Files]]** /PARAMETER_NAME=FILES /TAG_NAME= /GET_CURRENT_SELECTED_FILES=true ! /USE_SHORT_FILENAMES=false **;** **File_Close** /FILE_NAME=::FILES **;** \\ \\ [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:General_Information:Pipeline_Commands_Reference|Back to Pipeline Commands Reference]]