====== Import Analog Signals From Fsv File ====== The [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:File_Formats:FSV_Format|FSV/TSV]] file formats were originally developed by Manfred Berger from Innovision Systems and are currently used by Qualisys and Innovision. **Import_Analog_Signals_From_Fsv_File** ! /REPLACE_EXISTING_SIGNALS=TRUE **;** It is assumed that the analog file has a name consistent with the c3d file name. For example: file.c3d and file_a.fsv if the option to overwrite signals is selected, new signals of the same name as an existing signal will have a number attached to them to identify them. Analog1 would become Analog1_2 The FSV ANALOG file format is: \\ |DESCRIPTION |John Smith| | | |NO_OF_SAMPLES |2000 | | | |TOT_NO_OF_CHAN|4 | | | |FREQUENCY |1000 | | | |TIME_STAMP |8/1/2006 | | | |CHANNEL_NAMES |EMG1 |EMG2|EMG3| |CHANNEL_UNITS |V |V |V | |CHANNEL_GAIN |1 |1 |1 | |0 |0 |0 | | |0 |0 |0 | |