====== Load CMO Library ====== Load_CMO_Library command can be used to Browse the CMO Library. Load_CMO_Library ! /TAG=ALL_FILES ! /QUERY= ! /CMO_LIBRARY_PATH= ; ==== Parameters ==== === CMO_LIBRARY_PATH === If CMO_LIBRARY_PATH is not set, this command will open the most recent CMO Library. To manually change the path go to: CMO Library-> Set CMO Library Path === TAG === If a tag is specified, only dynamic files associated with that tag will be loaded into the library. === QUERY === If a query is specified, only dynamic files that meet the specifications of that query will be loaded. To Query data in the GLOBAL workspace, the syntax is different from [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Expressions:Expressions_Overview#Specifying_a_Data_Tree_signal|specifying a global parameter]] in a regular workspace. Instead of using "GLOBAL", use "CMOGLOBAL": Load_CMO_Library ! /TAG=ALL_FILES /QUERY=CMOGLOBAL::METRIC::PROCESSED::TESTVAL > 1 /CMO_LIBRARY_PATH=C:\Path\ ; [[Sift:Documentation:Query#Query_Parameter_in_Visual3D|More information about the Query parameter]]. ===== CMO_Library ===== For more information about creating a CMO Library, please read more [[Visual3D:Documentation:Reports:Normative_Data_From_CMO_Library|here]]. \\ [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:General_Information:Pipeline_Commands_Reference|Back to Pipeline Commands Reference]] [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:CMO_Library_|CMO_Library]]