====== Select Active File ====== Many of the pipeline commands in Visual3D act on the active files only. Using this command the user can determine what files are active and therefore will be processed. {{:Tutorial4_5.jpg}} ==== Pipeline Command ==== The pipeline command below is used to select the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:Active_Files|Active_Files]] Select_Active_File ! /FILE_NAME= ! /QUERY= ! /SUBJECT_TAGS=NO_SUBJECT ; === File_Name === The parameter **/File_Name=** can be a single file, a TAG referring to all files with that TAG, or the keyword ALL_FILES, which makes all of the files in the Visual3D Workspace active. **Note:** Visual3D defines files by their full pathname. For example, the following command will not be recognized Select_Active_File /FILE_NAME= file1.c3d ; To fix the example above, you define the full pathname: Select_Active_File /FILE_NAME= c:\data\session1\file1.c3d ; or you can use a wildcard: Select_Active_File /FILE_NAME= *file1.c3d ; or you can specify a TAG: Select_Active_File /FILE_NAME= TAG1 ; === Query === The Query option (**Visual3D Professional Only**) allows you to select a subset of the files referred by to FILE_NAME. You can query using [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Expressions:Expressions_Overview|expressions]]: /QUERY=METRIC::PROCESSED::MASS > 75 === Subject_Tags === Set the active subject tag - FOR MULTISUBJECT ONLY! ==== Example 1: Global_Workspace ==== This example shows how to make the [[Visual3D:Documentation:Definitions:Global_Workspace|Global Workspace]] active Select_Active_File /FILE_NAME=GLOBAL ! /QUERY= ; ==== Example 2 - ALL_FILES and OR Query ==== From ALL_FILES select files that are tagged TAG1 or TAG2. Note there are multiple syntaxes for the "or". Two are shown below: Using the "+" as the "OR" operator Select_Active_File /FILE_NAME=ALL_FILES /QUERY=TAG1 + TAG2 ; Using "|" as the "OR" operator Select_Active_File /FILE_NAME=ALL_FILES /QUERY=TAG1 | TAG2 ; ==== Example 3 - ALL_FILES AND and NOT Query ==== From ALL_FILES select files that are TAG1 AND NOT TAG2 using the operators "&" and "NOT" Select_Active_File /FILE_NAME=ALL_FILES /QUERY=TAG1 & NOT(TAG2) ; ==== Example 4 - ALL_FILES and a wildcard ==== From ALL_FILES select files that do not contain the wildcard *run*.c3d This cannot be done in one step. Command will be used to tag the files prior to using the Select_Active command. ! Assign tag RUN to files with "run" in the pathname Assign_Tags_To_Files /MOTION_FILE_NAMES=*run*.c3d ! /QUERY= /TAGS=RUN ; ! Assign tag NOT_RUN to files that are not tagged RUN Assign_Tags_To_Files /MOTION_FILE_NAMES=ALL_FILES /QUERY=NOT(RUN) /TAGS=NOT_RUN ; ! Select NOT_RUN as the active files Select_Active_File /FILE_NAME=NOT_RUN ! /QUERY= ; [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:General_Information:Pipeline_Commands_Reference|Back to Pipeline Commands Reference]]