====== Notepad++ ====== A [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Pipeline_Overview|pipeline script (v3s file)]] can be opened in any text editor (Notepad, Notepad++), but Notepad++ allows the user to colour code the file - making it much easier to read/modify a script. As such, it is our recommended text editor for viewing and editing pipeline scripts by hand. To get the fully-customized Visual3D experience in Notepad++: - Download and install [[https://notepad-plus-plus.org/|Notepad++]]. - Download the Notepad++ [[http://www.has-motion.com/download/Visual3D%20User-Defined%20Language%20for%20Npp.zip|language plug-in]] for the Visual3D pipeline command syntax. - Once the plugin has been downloaded, unzip the download and follow the INSTALL.txt instructions to save the userDefineLang.xml file in the correct location ==== Colour Scheme ==== The Pipeline workshop was colour-coded as of Visual3D v6 to make it easier to read commands. {{:Pipeline_Workshop_ColorCode.png}} Simultaneously, the color scheme in Notepad++ was updated to match that of the Visual3D Pipeline Workshop (in both default and dark modes): {{:Notepad_Workshop_ColorCode.png?0x400}} {{:Notepad_Workshop_ColorCode_DarkMode.png?0x400}}