====== Metric Event Count ====== Creates a metric containing the number of events that occur in an event sequence or time interval. **Metric_Event_Count** /RESULT_METRIC_NAME= /RESULT_METRIC_FOLDER=PROCESSED /EVENT_NAME= /TIME_INTERVAL= /EVENT_SEQUENCE= /EXCLUDE_EVENTS= /GENERATE_COUNT_TOTAL_IN_GLOBAL=TRUE **;** ==== Prior to Version 5.00.29 ==== the user could select "either" an **Event_Sequence/Exclude Sequence** or a **Time_Interval** if **Event_Sequence/Exclude Sequence** The count of the specified Event includes all sequences in the file if **Time_Interval** (specified as a number) A count of events within each time interval (starting from Time=0) is specified as a separate frame. For example, if there were three ranges defined by the time sequence, there would be 3 frames of data in the resulting metric. ==== Starting in Version 5.00.29 ==== the user can select both an **Event_Sequence/Exclude Sequence** and a **Time_Interval** but only the first Event_Sequence is used. If the **Time_Interval** is empty the command behaves as before. If the **Time_Interval** is populated (a number or expression) the start time is the first event in the event_sequence. \\ As of Visual3Dv5.00.29 this command must be edited manually. ==== User Dialog Starting in Version 5.01.14 ==== |In Visual3D v5.01.14 the user dialog was introduced. The command works the same as described in v5.00.29, however the user may now modify the command using the GUI interface. | {{:MetricEventCountDialog.png}}| ==== Example_1 ==== **Select_Active_File** **/FILE_NAME=** ALL_FILES **! /QUERY=** **;** **Metric_Event_Count** **/RESULT_METRIC_FOLDER=**PROCESSED **/RESULT_METRIC_NAME=**LON_COUNT **/EVENT_NAME=**LON **/TIME_INTERVAL=** **/EVENT_SEQUENCE=** **/EXCLUDE_EVENTS=** **/GENERATE_COUNT_TOTAL_IN_GLOBAL=** TRUE **;** \\ === Result === LON_COUNT will count all events in the file and a metric value LON_COUNT will be created in the METRIC::PROCESSED folder. "Since GENERATE_COUNT_TOTAL_IN_GLOBAL is set to TRUE, the total number of LON events in the workspace will be created. To see this value set the Active File to GLOBAL and a metric value LON_COUNT will be created in the METRIC::PROCESSED folder. ==== Example_2 ==== **This example shows 3 ways the Metric_Event_Count command can be used.** **Consider a set of 5 files containing the following event LHS.** Event LHS mvc004.c3d 0.960000 2.240000 3.500000 mvc003.c3d 0.980000 2.260000 3.560000 mvc002.c3d 1.000000 2.260000 3.600000 mvc005.c3d 0.920000 2.140000 3.360000 === Count events across entire file === **Count across the entire file** **Metric_Event_Count** /RESULT_METRIC_NAME=LHS_COUNT /RESULT_METRIC_FOLDER=PROCESSED /EVENT_NAME=LHS /TIME_INTERVAL= /EVENT_SEQUENCE= /EXCLUDE_EVENTS= /GENERATE_COUNT_TOTAL_IN_GLOBAL=TRUE **;** **Result** mvc005.c3d Event_Count= 3 mvc002.c3d Event_Count= 3 mvc003.c3d Event_Count= 3 mvc004.c3d Event_Count= 3 Global_Event_Count= 12 === Count events across entire file in time intervals === **Count across the entire file at 1 second intervals** **Metric_Event_Count** /RESULT_METRIC_NAME=LHS_COUNT /RESULT_METRIC_FOLDER=PROCESSED /EVENT_NAME=LHS /TIME_INTERVAL=1 /EVENT_SEQUENCE= /EXCLUDE_EVENTS= /GENERATE_COUNT_TOTAL_IN_GLOBAL=TRUE **;** **Result** mvc005.c3d Interval= 0.000000 to 1.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 1.000000 to 2.000000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 2.000000 to 3.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 3.000000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 4.000000 to 4.200000 Event_Count= 0 mvc002.c3d Interval= 0.000000 to 1.000000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 1.000000 to 2.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 2.000000 to 3.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 3.000000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 4.000000 to 4.580000 Event_Count= 0 mvc003.c3d Interval= 0.000000 to 1.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 1.000000 to 2.000000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 2.000000 to 3.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 3.000000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 4.000000 to 4.600000 Event_Count= 0 mvc004.c3d Interval= 0.000000 to 1.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 1.000000 to 2.000000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 2.000000 to 3.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 3.000000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 4.000000 to 4.380000 Event_Count= 0 Global_Event_Counts Global_Event_Count= 3 Global_Event_Count= 1 Global_Event_Count= 4 Global_Event_Count= 4 Global_Event_Count= 0 === Count events in a set number of intervals across entire file === **Count over 5 intervals from the event_sequence START+END** **** **Where START=1.0 and END=4.0 for all files** **Metric_Event_Count** /RESULT_METRIC_NAME=LHS_COUNT /RESULT_METRIC_FOLDER=PROCESSED /EVENT_NAME=LHS /TIME_INTERVAL=(EVENT_LABEL::ORIGINAL::END-EVENT_LABEL::ORIGINAL::START)/5 /EVENT_SEQUENCE=START+END /EXCLUDE_EVENTS= /GENERATE_COUNT_TOTAL_IN_GLOBAL=TRUE **;** **Result** mvc005.c3d Interval= 1.000000 to 1.600000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 1.600000 to 2.200000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 2.200000 to 2.800000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 2.800000 to 3.400000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 3.400000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 0 mvc002.c3d Interval= 1.000000 to 1.600000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 1.600000 to 2.200000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 2.200000 to 2.800000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 2.800000 to 3.400000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 3.400000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 1 mvc003.c3d Interval= 1.000000 to 1.600000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 1.600000 to 2.200000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 2.200000 to 2.800000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 2.800000 to 3.400000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 3.400000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 1 mvc004.c3d Interval= 1.000000 to 1.600000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 1.600000 to 2.200000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 2.200000 to 2.800000 Event_Count= 1 Interval= 2.800000 to 3.400000 Event_Count= 0 Interval= 3.400000 to 4.000000 Event_Count= 1 Global_Event_Counts Global_Event_Count= 1 Global_Event_Count= 1 Global_Event_Count= 3 Global_Event_Count= 1 Global_Event_Count= 3