====== Metric Integrate ====== ===== Introduction ===== Integrate a signal between events using the trapezoidal rule. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trapezoidal_rule The integral between two frames += ( (ValueAtFrame1+ValueAtFrame2)*DeltaT / 2 ) where T= time between frames ===== Command ===== Metric_Integrate = Sum of the integral for all frames in the range. Metric_Integrate /RESULT_METRIC_NAME= /APPLY_AS_SUFFIX_TO_SIGNAL_NAME=FALSE ! /RESULT_METRIC_FOLDER=PROCESSED /SIGNAL_TYPES= ! /SIGNAL_NAMES= /SIGNAL_FOLDER= ! /SIGNAL_COMPONENTS=ALL_COMPONENTS /EVENT_SEQUENCE= /EXCLUDE_EVENTS= /GENERATE_MEAN_AND_STDDEV=FALSE ! /APPEND_TO_EXISTING_VALUES=FALSE ; {{:Metric_Integrate_Dlg.jpg}}| ===== Example ===== * [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Signal_Commands:Impulse|Impulse]] * [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Model_Based_Data_Commands:Joint_Work|Joint_Work]] \\ **NOTE:** When using the Metric_Integrate dialog box, don't forget to Import the desired signals.