====== Metric Root Mean Squared ====== || Compute a Root Mean Squared value of a signal as a metric. Given data Xi for i=1,2....n Mean Squared Error= MSE = sum(Xi^2)/n Root Mean Squared Error= RMS= Sqrt(MSE) ; \\ For example, compute the root mean squared value of the Knee Joint Power from **Start** to **End** {{:MetricRootMeanSquared.png}} |**Metric_Root_Mean_Squared** | | |**/Signal_Types=** |LINK_MODEL_BASED | |**/Signal_Names=** |Right Ankle Power | |**/Signal_Folder** |ORIGINAL | |**/Signal_Components=** |X | |**/[[Visual3D:Documentation:C3D_Signal_Types:EVENT_LABEL_Data_Type#Event_Sequence|Event_Sequence]]=** |Start+End | |**/[[Visual3D:Documentation:C3D_Signal_Types:EVENT_LABEL_Data_Type#Exclude_Events|Exclude_Events]]=** | | |**/[[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Metric_Commands:SEQUENCE_PERCENT_START|SEQUENCE_PERCENT_START]]=**|Within the event sequence specify the beginning of the range as a percent| |**/[[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Metric_Commands:SEQUENCE_PERCENT_START|SEQUENCE_PERCENT_END]]=** |Within the event sequence specify the end of the range as a percent | |**/Metric_Name=** |Right Angle Power RMS | |**/Apply_As_Suffix_To_Signal_Name=** |FALSE | |**/Generate_Mean_And_STDDEV=** |FALSE | |**/Append_To_Existing_Values=** |FALSE | |**/APPEND_TO_EXISTING_VALUES=** |FALSE | |**;** | |