====== Metric StdDev ====== || Compute the Standard Deviation of a Signal and store the value as a metric In the following example, compute the Standard Deviation of the signal HANDSPEED {{:MetricStdDevDlg.png}} |**Metric_StdDev** | | | |**/RESULT_METRIC_NAME=** |_SD |The name of the metric signal created | |**/APPLY_AS_SUFFIX_TO_SIGNAL_NAME=** |True |Specify the metric name to be the ORIGINAL signal plus a SUFFIX | |**/RESULT_METRIC_FOLDER=** |PROCESSED | | |**/SIGNAL_TYPES=** |DERIVED | | |**/SIGNAL_NAMES=** |HANDSPEED |Specify the Signal to be used | |**/SIGNAL_FOLDER=** |PROCESSED | | |**/SIGNAL_COMPONENTS=** |ALL_COMPONENTS |Specify the Signal components to be used (e.g. X, Y, Z or 0, 1, 2 etc) | |**/[[Visual3D:Documentation:C3D_Signal_Types:EVENT_LABEL_Data_Type#Event_Sequence|EVENT_SEQUENCE]]=** |FRAME1 + GO |Specify the sequence of Events. Any number of Events can be entered (separated by +). This specific sequence of events must be true for a metric to be computed. The metric is computed from the first event in the sequence to the last event in the sequence| |**/[[Visual3D:Documentation:C3D_Signal_Types:EVENT_LABEL_Data_Type#Exclude_Events|EXCLUDE_EVENTS]]=** |MAX_SPEED |If this event occurs before the first and last event, do not computed a metric | |**/[[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Metric_Commands:SEQUENCE_PERCENT_START|SEQUENCE_PERCENT_START]]=**|Within the event sequence specify the beginning of the range as a percent| | |**/[[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Metric_Commands:SEQUENCE_PERCENT_START|SEQUENCE_PERCENT_END]]=** |Within the event sequence specify the end of the range as a percent | | |**/GENERATE_MEAN_AND_STDDEV=** |TRUE |Generate the mean and standard deviation of this metric across ranges and files | |**/APPEND_TO_EXISTING_VALUES==** |FALSE |Do not Add these metric values to an existing metric | |**;** | | |