====== ANGULAR MOMENTUM ====== || Local Angular Momentum (//L//) of a Segment about its center of mass. **NOTE: At one time we removed this item from Visual3D because too many customers were using it inappropriately. Adding the angular momentum from multiple segments is tricky.** At the request of several users, we have made this item available again, but we caution users to be aware of the meaning of Angular Momentum and [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Model_Based_Data_Commands:MODEL_ANGULAR_MOMENTUM|Model_Angular_Momentum]]**** \\ {{:SegmentAngularMomentum.jpg}} {{:SegmentAngularMomentumExpression.jpg}} //I// = Moment of Inertia //w// = Angular velocity {{:AngularMomentumDialog.jpg}} \\ Visual3D calculates angular momentum about the segment's center of mass. The angular momentum about a specific point (for example total model center of mass) can be calculated using this [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Model_Based_Data_Commands:ANGULAR_MOMENTUM_PT|script]].