====== Default Normalization (Scaling) Factors ====== ==== Joint_Angle ==== standing trial ==== Joint_Force ==== body mass ==== Joint_Moment ==== body mass ==== Joint_Power ==== body mass ==== Seg_Proximal_Joint ==== body height ==== Seg_Distal_Joint ==== body height ==== Angular_Momentum ==== body mass ==== Linear_Momentum ==== body mass ==== Model_Energy_Scalar ==== body mass ==== Potential_Energy ==== body mass ==== Rotational_Energy_Scalar ==== body mass ==== Rotational_Energy_Terms ==== body mass ==== Segment_Energy_Total ==== body mass ==== Translational_Energy_Scalar ==== body mass ==== Translational_Energy_Terms ==== body mass ==== COP_Path ==== Foot length is the distance between the proximal and distal ends of the segment Foot width is the distal radius of the segment The length and width are based on the segment definition, and it doesn't matter which axes you have assigned to the segment ==== GRF_Data ==== body weight e.g. (body mass * 9.81) ==== COP_MODEL_COG ==== Foot length is the distance between the proximal and distal ends of the segment The length is based on the segment definition, and it doesn't matter which axes you have assigned to the segment