====== Add Landmark from Event ====== || This command will create a Landmark using a Signal Value at a defined Event Label. |**Add_Landmark_From_Event**| | |**/SIGNAL_TYPES=** |The name of the Signal Type to use. | |**/SIGNAL_FOLDER=** |The name of the Signal Folder to use. | |**/SIGNAL_NAMES=** |The name of the Signal Name to use. | |**/LINK_MODEL_NAME=** |The name of the hybrid model. Use the full pathname.| |**/EVENT=** |The name of the Event Label. | |**/LANDMARK=** |The name of the Landmark to be created. | \\ **Example** Create a Landmark (DIST_SHAFT) based on the position of the Target (OBJ2) position at the distal end of the golf club shaft at the event TAKEAWAY (i.e. the first movement in a golf swing). |**/SIGNAL_TYPES=** |TARGET | |**/SIGNAL_FOLDER=** |ORIGINAL | |**/SIGNAL_NAMES=** |OBJ2 | |**/LINK_MODEL_NAME=**|C:\Static.c3d| |**/EVENT=** |TAKEAWAY | |**/LANDMARK=** |DIST_SHAFT |