====== Model Commands Overview ======
===== Model_Management =====
[[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Model_Commands:Apply_Model_Template|Apply_Model_Template]] to a Model (Calibration File).
Wildcards (*) can be used for FILE_NAME and MODEL_NAME.
**NOTE:** In early versions of Visual3D, this command was called **OPEN_MODEL_FILE**.
Even though this name no longer appears in the pipeline dialog, if it appears in the Pipeline Script, it will still be recognized and processed correctly by Visual3D.
! New Workspace
! Set a path for the location of the data
/PARAMETER_VALUE=c:\demo files\
! Set the parameter for the static file
! Apply the model template using the static trial.
! Leaving the **MODEL_TEMPLATE** parameter blank will bring up a dialog that allows the user to browse and select the model template
! Set Weight
! Set Height
! Open the movement file
! Assign the model file to the movement file
Close the specified Model and Static File(s).\\
File_Name can be ALL_FILES, a TAG, or a Filename(Wildcards are acceptable)
For example, to close all movement trials containing the string "standing"
/Close_Calibration_File= *standing*.c3d
[[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Model_Commands:Assign_Model_File|Assign a Model to a Movement File]] |
/Calibration_File=Name of the standing trial associated with the model.
/Motion_File_Names=Names of the motion files to be assigned to the model.
**Note: Wildcards (*) can be used for the Calibration_File**\\
**Note: TAGS or Wildcards (*) can be used for the Motion_File Names**
Here is an example using pipeline parameters:
Here is the same example, using wild cards in the Assign Model File command:
Another example can be found on [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Model_Commands:Assign_Model_File_Example|Pipeline Example using Assign Model File]]
[[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Model_Commands:Create_Hybrid_Model|Create a Hybrid Model]] is the extension to the Visual3D 6 degree of freedom model which was developed in collaboration with the
National Institutes of Health, Physical Disabilities Branch.\\
The main extension to the model is that the pose (Position and Orientation) of a segment can depend on data from other segments.
If data from other segments is used, the segment no longer has 6 degrees of freedom.
For example, a thigh segment could be created using a hip joint landmark, which was defined relative to the pelvis segment.
/CALIBRATION_FILE= the name of the c3d file for the static trial
/SUFFIX= a suffix that is added to the Calibration_File if and only if the c3d file for the static trial already exists
**Note: Wildcards (*) can be used for the Calibration_File name**\\
**Note:** If the Calibration_File is specified and the file does not exist in the Workspace, the Suffix is ignored.\\
**Note:** If the Calibration_File is specified and the file exists in the Workspace, the suffix is automatically added to the model name.\\
**Note:** If the Calibration_File is specified and the suffix is specified, but the Filename and the Filenam+Suffix exists in the Workspace, the user is prompted for a new name.
The example below creates a model using frames 10 to 15 of the static trial:
/CALIBRATION_FILE= *static.c3d
/SUFFIX= a suffix that is added to the Calibration_File if and only if the c3d file for the static trial already exists.
Another example can be found on [[Visual3D:Documentation:Pipeline:Model_Commands:Create_Hybrid_Model_Example|Pipeline Example using Create Hybrid Model]]
===== Modeling =====
==== Add_Landmark ====
== Add_Landmark_from_Event ==
== Add_Functional_Joint_Landmark ==
== Modify_Landmark ==
== Associate_Functional_Joints_With_Files ==
Associate a movement trial with a Functional Landmark
== Associate_Digitizing_Landmarks_With_Files ==
Associate a movement trial with a Digitizing Landmark
===== Model Building =====
[[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:model_commands:Pipeline Example using Create_Hybrid_Model]]
[[visual3d:documentation:pipeline:model_commands:Pipeline Example using Assign_Model_File]]
==== Get_Vicon_Model_Metric ====
===== Model Based Data Computation =====