====== Animated Line ====== This is a real time command that can be used to draw an arbitrary line in a workspace. There is an option to get this working in the post processing (Signals and Events) tab. ==== Example ==== {{:SignalsAndEvents_BiofeedbackProcessingPipline.png}} - Open a CMZ - **Signals and Events tab** - Go to **View -> View Biofeedback Post Processing** - The post processing dialog should appear on the right side of the Signals and Events tab - In the pipeline dialog, under RT and Post Processing Biofeedback, select **Animated Line** and move to main pipeline - Click **Edit** and identify which signals you would like draw a line between in the command Animated_Line /SIGNAL_TYPES=TARGET+TARGET /SIGNAL_FOLDER=ORIGINAL+ORIGINAL /SIGNAL_NAMES=CLAV+CV7 ! /LINE_WIDTH=2.0 ! /LINE_COLOR=#FFFFFF ! /DRAW_AS_CYLINDER=FALSE ; A line will automatically be drawn in the 3D viewer. **NOTE:** You can close the Biofeedback Post Processing dialog and the line will still be drawn.